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I'm sitting at home waiting until I have to go to the studio for the interview. I've been texting Cali even though I knew she was asleep. Her little slip got me even more excited about this relationship. I know that sounds slagish and makes me sound like a whore, but I'm not. I was already falling for this girl before and this doesn't change it. The sparks are still there and hopefully they are stronger when she gets back.

The sound of my phone ringing tears me from my thoughts. I look down and see Baby Girl, I changed her name in my phone this morning after our talk.

"Hello baby girl," I say in a low voice and she giggles.

"H-Hi daddy," she says softly, her voice shakes a bit and I can imagine her blushing.

"Why are you nervous love?" I chuckle at her awkwardness. She is usually so forward it's a bit strange to hear her this way.

"I don't know," she says softly then sighs. "I'm a bit embarrassed about last night."

"I don't know why," I reply honestly. "You shouldn't be."

"And just like that I'm cured," she replies sarcastically, but I hear the tension leave her voice.

"I'm glad I can help," I smile. "Where are you?"

"I honestly have no idea um," she pauses and I can picture her looking around. "Hyde Park Barracks Café?"

It comes out in a question. "It's a couple blocks away from my hotel."

"I don't think I've eaten there," I reply, trying to keep the conversation going. I just want to listen to her voice all the time. "Is it good?"

"It's pretty good yeah."

"Hmm. How's the weather?"

"It's about like L.A. Just a bit warmer," she pauses. "I'm wearing your shirt."

"Are you now?" I say with a smile. I can picture it on her, I bet it looks as good as my other one did.

"Yes," she says with a smile. "It's a bit bigger than the other one but it smells like you."

I laugh. "You know I want that shirt back. It's my favorite one!"

"I told you you have to chase me for it," there is a risqué note in her tone.

"Oh I will," I lower my voice to a prurient tone and she giggles. We talk for another hour then I let her go. She gives me such joy.


My chat with Harry went well. He makes me feel better. I'm kind of in a daze that I'm with him. He is so amazing.

I spend the rest of the morning in my hotel, relaxing in the air conditioned room and watching movies. At 1 I start to get ready then head to the studio I'm supposed to meet 5SOS at.

I walk through the doors with my camera equipment and a middle aged man comes up to me.

"Calista Horan?"

"Yes sir," I flash my most friendly charming smile and stick out my hand for him to shake.

"I'm Joseph Wilson, 5 Seconds of Summer's director," his Australian accent is thick. "I talked to your boss and I'm so glad you accepted to do this job. You're work is exquisite."

A/N: I know that isn't his name. I'm actually not sure what it is .. don't hate me. x

"Thank you," I give a confident smile.

"Okay so I'll introduce you to the lads then you can get to know each other before we start."

"Now I must admit," He says while leading me down a hall and through some double doors. "It was your name that first drew me to you."

I laugh as we enter a photo studio, camera equipment and background are set up.

"Yeah?" I smile at him.

"Are you related to Niall?"

"He is actually my cousin."

"I can tell," he winks at me. "You look quite similar. The lads will be ecstatic."

"They will?" I laugh. "You should have been there when I told Niall. He all but tackled me to the ground he was so excited."

He laughs then excuses himself, I walk over and examine everything then set my camera on the table as the lads walk in.


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