"I've got you" (Konig / Reader)

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Summary - Y/N gets fatally wounded. In a safehouse, in their last moments alive, Konig comforts them. 

Warnings - angst, description of injuries, talk of death and dying


Konig crashed through the safe house door, holding you to his chest as his eyes scanned the small room for a comfortable place to lay you down. When his blue eyes landed on a small sofa in the corner, he sighed, relieved. 

"Come, Schatz," he said softly, "let's get you comfortable." 

He was careful when laying you down, making sure to be gentle with your heavily wounded body. As he laid you down, you winced briefly before relaxing into the soft cushions. 

You let out a small sigh as you sunk into the embrace of the sofa, momentarily forgetting the searing pain radiating through your entire body. 

He couldn't help but feel guilty when he looked over your body. "Mein Gott..." he whispered to himself. Part of him believed he could have saved you if he had just gotten to you sooner, but he knew that was not true. 

"I'm so sorry." He said quietly, holding your hand close to his chest. "I should have been there. I could have protected you." Each word from his mouth was shaky and nearly incoherent. 

"Stop, don't do that to yourself." You groaned. "You can't blame yourself for this." 

Despite all of the pain in your body, your voice was always soft and soothing to him. 

"I know I'm not getting out of this, Colonel." You said quietly. "And that's okay." 

Your words hit him hard. He knew, too, that you wouldn't be making it out of this alive. But still, hearing you coming to terms with your mortality struck him right through the heart. 

"What do you need me to do, mein Schatz?" Konig asked, trying to steady his voice as he spoke. "How can I bring you comfort?" 

"Just talk." You said. "Keep me company; I don't want to die bored." 

Konig chuckled lightly at your humor. Even in your dying moments, you were making jokes. 

"I will tell you about my home town. Hallstatt is a small town in Austria, very cozy. I think you would enjoy it there, Liebste." He spoke with a fondness in his voice. "There is a salt mine; I lived relatively close to it. My family had a large house. I have many siblings, you see. I have three sisters and two brothers, of which I am the youngest." 

You listened intently to him talking, trying your best to ignore the throbbing pain that encompassed your being. 

"Even though the house was big, it felt pretty cramped with all of us in it. Meine Mutter would always be running around, and it was pretty funny to see. The house always smelled nice, like the beach, almost. We lived close to the water, so the salt air was lovely year-round." He spoke with a certain longing in his voice, like he did miss his hometown. 

He continued. "I would have loved to take you there. You would have enjoyed my family, I think." He said with a smile. "Meine Mutter would have adored you. She always has had a habit of fussing over people I bring home. It was quite funny in high school when I saw her meet my partners." 

While he talked, he ran a finger in a calming motion over your knuckles. "Meine Schwestern would have had a field day with you. Those girls could tell so many stories your head would be full forever."

"Mein Vater, if he were around, he would have loved you. He had always had a soft spot for soldiers, you see. I'm sure you two could have talked for hours without stopping." Konig said, his voice calm and sincere. "Ah, we cannot forget meine Brüder. Given the chance, they would tease us both for hours. As Mother put it, they are rowdy, two troublemakers since birth. Even as adults, they love to push limits." 

"Meine Mutter would make you a spectacular meal. It would be full of everything you could ever need in your food. She's an outstanding chef. Before becoming a stay-at-home mom, she was in culinary school." He said. 

"There is also a goat that lives around my old home. My mother jokes that he is evil, but I do not think so." He said with a slight smile. "His name is Philip. Once, when I went home for the holiday season, Philip managed to get ahold of my shoes and tore them to bits. What's worse is that they were my work boots, so when I returned to KorTac, they had to be replaced before I could go on any missions." 

"I don't think he is considered a pet, not really anyway. We do not own him; he comes and goes as he pleases. If anything, we belong to him in a way." Konig chuckled. 

As he looked down, seeing your battered body again, that familiar sadness flooded his veins. Seeing you so exhausted and on the verge of death hurt him deeply. 

"Nein, come on, Schätzchen. Stay awake." He said weakly, tapping your face. 

You hadn't even realized you had fallen asleep. His voice was so soothing that the comforting sound lulled you into a peaceful rest. 

His efforts to wake you were not successful, though. Your eyes stayed shut, a soft look of contentment on your face. He checked your pulse; you were still alive, but barely. 

"I'm sorry to see you go this way, mein Schatz." He said, tears falling gently down his face under his mask. "I do wish I could have done more. I wanted to save you, to protect you from this pain." 

Konig pulled his mask off, resting his head on the cushion beside yours. "I love you, mein Liebste. In the next life, I promise I will find you. I will stop at nothing to keep your memory with me forever. Do not be afraid of death, my love. I've got you." 

With that, in your dying breath, Konig gave you a soft kiss.

"Goodbye, mein Liebe." 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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