Where it all starts. Chapter 1: The weekend

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D: Gosh riggy im so bored

R: You are not alone Danno, hey i have a idea!, why dont we go outside- ( Starts raining) Nvm.

D: ( Danno laughs) That was perfect timing

R: Shut up Danno... ( He gets red)

D: So what do you wanna do ?

R:Lets talk !

D: Soo what happened to you and your girlfriend?

R: Umm, ( He seemed nervous) I-I just stopped liking her alright ??, but can we not talk about this alright ?

D: Alright.

R: Hey dont have that old Nintendo 64 on the basement?

D: Yeah ?

R: Lets use it !

D: Thats a good idea !

R: Let me go find it !

Narrator ( N): When riggy leaves, a mini notebook falls out of his pocket and danno notices it 

2nd part comming another day im lazy

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