Chapter 6: The dream

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As their passionate kisses subsided, Riggy and Danno found themselves nestled in each other's embrace on the bed.


The night progressed, and sleep gradually took hold of Riggy's weary body. However, his slumber soon turned tumultuous as haunting visions of Clone Riggy's existence plagued his dreams. In the depths of his subconscious, fear gripped Riggy, causing him to scream out in terror.

Startled awake by Riggy's cries, Danno's concern propelled him into action. Hastily, he made his way to Riggy's room, where he discovered him drenched in cold sweat, tormented by the nightmare. Danno gently shook Riggy, attempting to rouse him from his distressing sleep.

"Danno: Riggy!! Wake up!"

Riggy's eyes fluttered open, his breathing rapid and panicked.

Riggy: "N-No! Don't attack me, Clone Riggy!"

Danno's heart sank as he realized the source of Riggy's anguish. The nightmare had taken the form of Clone Riggy, resurrecting the fears that once consumed them.

Filled with concern for Riggy's well-being, Danno reached out, his touch providing a grounding presence.

Danno: "Riggy!! Are you okay?" Danno's voice reflected his genuine worry.

Riggy's voice trembled as he responded, still shaken by the vividness of his dream.

Riggy: "I-I was dreaming about C-Clone R-Riggy..."

Danno's mind raced, contemplating the implications of Riggy's nightmare.

Danno: "You think he is still alive?"

Riggy nodded, his eyes reflecting a mix of fear and uncertainty.

Riggy: "D-Danno, can I s-sleep with you?"

Danno's concern deepened, understanding the need for comfort and reassurance.

Danno: "Of course, Riggy. You don't have to face this alone."

With the weight of their shared fears and vulnerabilities, they sought solace in each other's presence. They moved closer, their bodies intertwining as they sought refuge in the warmth of their shared embrace. As they settled into a peaceful slumber, their closeness acted as a shield against the lingering shadows of the night.

In the tranquility of their joined sleep, Riggy found respite from the tormenting dreams. Danno's comforting presence provided a sense of security, erasing the remnants of fear from Riggy's consciousness. Their intertwined bodies and the rhythm of their breaths synchronized, creating a harmony that drowned out the echoes of their nightmares.

As the morning light crept through the window, Riggy slowly opened his eyes, finding himself still cradled in Danno's arms. A soft smile graced his lips as he realized the love and protection that surrounded him.

Untangling themselves from their shared slumber, Danno gazed at Riggy with tenderness and affection.

Danno: "Did you sleep better, Riggy?"

Riggy's genuine gratitude shone through his eyes as he responded.

Riggy: "Yes, thanks to you, Danno. Your presence made all the difference."

Danno's voice carried a reassurance that echoed in Riggy's heart.

Danno: "I'm here for you, Riggy. No matter the nightmares that haunt us, I will always be by your side, holding you close and keeping you safe."

Riggy's gratitude overflowed as he embraced Danno, knowing that together they could face any darkness that dared to intrude upon their love.

my frickin hand hurts, 517 words

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