Chapter 4: The carnival

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"This is my absolute favorite episode, and you're about to find out why it holds a special place in my heart!"

Pssst, brace yourself because they kiss in this episode.

-----------------------------------------------------E/N End----------------------------------------------------------------

(timeskip)They were now both at the carnival, surrounded by the vibrant carnival atmosphere with flashing neon lights and the lively sounds of games and rides. Laughter filled the air as they immersed themselves in the fun, playing various games and going on thrilling rides. The anticipation of their connection grew with every shared smile and shared moment.The culmination of their carnival adventure was the ferris wheel, standing tall against the night sky.

 Riggy, with an excited yet nervous demeanor, turned to Danno.

Riggy: Wanna go on the ferris wheel? *He seemed excited and blushing.*

Danno: It's kinda high *looking above* but sure!

Riggy wore a genuine smile; his plan was unfolding just as he'd hoped.

As they boarded the ferris wheel, Riggy couldn't hide his nerves, and a slight tremor ran through him. Danno, noticing the change in Riggy, expressed concern.

Danno: Hey Riggy, are you okay? You're shaking a bit.

Riggy blushed even more: Y-Yeah...

The ride started, gradually lifting them higher into the night sky. As they reached the top, Riggy couldn't contain the emotions bubbling within him.

Riggy: H-Hey Danno, I gotta say something to you.

Still shaking and blushing intensely, Riggy confessed.

Danno: Yeah? What's happening?

Riggy: W-Well, you're really cute, and, I-i-i...Danno, wearing a skeptical expression, urged him on: Hm? Spill the beans!

In a moment of courage, Riggy kissed Danno on the lips, holding him tight. Danno, initially surprised, quickly reciprocated, and the world seemed to fade away as they shared the sweet, unexpected moment.They were both blushing when they finally broke the kiss, needing air.

Riggy: Danno, I love you.

Danno: Riggy, I love you too. *They kissed again, sealing their feelings in the warmth of the moment.*


Before you say " HeY BuT DaNnO hAs A gIrLfRiEnD*

Or " BuT RiGgY hAs A gIrLfRiEnD"

All of that is going to be explained in the next chapter.


Luv u guys!

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