chapter 7 - i forgor 💀

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Turns out, Caleb did all of this for nothing.

Fall break had just started today. Caleb was partially excited for this, since it meant he could explore more of the pheonix world. At the same time however, it meant he didn't need to rush back to home at all until some other day.

"Great, I could have avoided killing another sentient being, wouldn't that have been nice?" Caleb asked himself.

"Well, you really didn't have any control over that. There was no way to avoid killing that guy, especially since he was permanently stationed there." Kyper responded. He was right. It was in self defense, so he likely wouldn't be charged with a crime anyways.

Kyper was looking through the house, admiring every little weird human doodad that was in there. He opened up the fridge and managed to open up the bag of cheese, eating the whole bag of it in one bite.

"Shit... is all human food created directly in heaven?!?!?" Kyper said, practically drooling from how delicious the cheese was.

"DUDE THAT WAS ALL OF THE CHEESE YOU COULD HAVE AT LEAST ATE IT ONE SLICE AT A TIME!" Caleb yelled, "and no, though I can see where you're coming from."

Kyper walked into the other room and pointed at Caleb's computer. "what's this?" He asked.

"That's my computer, the thing my life basically centers around. It's basically like my phone but big and better." Caleb responded.

"Ooooohhh! But like, what do you do on it?" Kyper asked again, Caleb's answer did not really say anything explaining its actual function. then, something hit caleb.


"Whats a dairy-" kyper attempted to ask, before they started to feel the side effects of all that cheese they ate.

"I only now just remembered that humans are pretty much the only animal to be able to consume dairy products without... terrible things happening. anyways, GET THE FUCK OUTSIDE I DONT KNOW WHATS GONNA HAPPEN TO YOU BUT I AM NOT CLEANING IT UP." Caleb yelled.

They both ran outside just in time for kyper's stomach to eject all it's contents, which surprisingly came in one large mass instead of a steady stream. Kyper had never felt this shitty before, as pheonixes apparently do not have a gag reflex.

The large mass of barf then lit ablaze, prompting Caleb to run inside and use the fire extinguisher on it. Thankfully after the fire was extinguished, there was only a rancid smell remaining.

"Ok, from now on only eat human food if I say you can alright?" Caleb told kyper.

"Alright... want to show me your other weird human stuff?" Kyper asked.


A few hours passed, as Caleb showed kyper various human objects that bewildered him every time. Caleb decided to save his computer for last, since he didn't feel like explaining the internet to him.

They both returned to the kitchen, Caleb being tired from all the explaining of basic human objects to kyper. Kyper then spotted a box of pre-made shrimp fried rice on the counter.

"So you're telling me a shrimp fried this rice?" Kyper genuinely asked.

"NO ITS CALLED SHRIMP FRIED RICE BECAUSE IT IS RICE THAT IS MADE WITH SHRIMP!!!" Caleb responded, trying to hold in any laughter.

"But like... that doesn't mean a shrimp can't fry it... right? A shrimp is another word for chef right?" Kyper asked.

"OH MY GOD NO SHRIMPS ARE A FUCKING C R U S T A C E A N!!!!!" Caleb retorted.

"To each their own I guess" kyper responded.

Caleb decided they should probably make dinner at this point, preferably something that won't cause kyper's lactose intolerant ass to light the house on fire. Caleb decided spaghetti would probably work, since he didn't know how to make anything other than it without following an hour long tutorial.

Turns out, Caleb was very good at overlooking spaghetti. They settled for eating hot pockets, which they hoped would be free of anything that kyper couldn't digest.

"Hey Caleb, have you learned any magic yet?" Kyper asked.

"What." Caleb responded in shock, dropping his hot pocket.

"Yeah i just thought since you weren't a pheonix before that you might not know a lot of magi-" kyper said before being cut off.

"MAGIC IS REAL?!?!??!?" Caleb yelled in suprise, his entire view of existence being shattered so casually.

"Uh yeah? I thought all the stuff in this house was magic?" Kyper responded, confused.

Caleb jumped onto kyper and grabbed him by the shoulders aggressively.

"TEACH ME MAGIC. NOW." Caleb demanded. He needed to know what he was missing out on.

"Alright you don't have to be so aggressive! It's not like I'm actively preventing you from learning it." Kyper responded.

The two left into the backyard, it now being night. Kyper was going to teach Caleb the basics of magic, since Caleb explained all the human stuff to him.

"Alright uhhhhh so you know your gas gland right? The thing you use to breath fire? Thats basically where any magic you use is channeled from." Kyper explained, "the gas inside of the gland is what allows you to perform any magic in the first place, which means you only have a limited amount of magic to use before having to recover. You following so far?"

"Yea, makes perfect sense" Caleb responded.

"Alright, so magic is split into different elements, I assume you know what the elements are right?" Kyper asked.

"It's like uh... fire water earth and air right?" Caleb responded.

"Well there's like... quite a few others but those are like the core 4 for the basics so I can tell you the others later." Kyper said. "The easiest element to manifest is fire, because that's the magic element that the gas in the gas gland is naturally attuned to. I'll just teach you some fire related techniques tonight. You've already learned the basic flamethrower technique, so this should be easy."

"Yass time to become a super hot babe RIGHT NOWWW" Caleb responded.

Alr slags that was CHAPTUH 7

Uh I go nothing else to say so uhhhhh

Next chapter will have Caleb learning some spells, and the next actual conflict happening. Oh they might go back to the pheonix realm too idk.

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