The sunday routine

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i woke up with my whole boddy slumpd acros the king sised bead. i was never a morning person but the next thing i knew i forsed by back to jump so i was bolt uprite and looking at the clock above the door frame. it read  8.20.   

the realiseashon of it being sunday hit and the next thing i know i am out of bead and strate to my vanaty i dont  use makeup becouse im only 13 but i still sat thear with a hair brush and dry shampoo.                                                                                                                                                                                  i have  small freckles scattered on my nose to mid cheak my side bangs wear all puffd out nomater how hard i tryd to come them down. miss Alice hates my hear when it dose that. she also hates when i smirk and tells me to straten up my facebut it seems imposabe when thear is some invisable string pulling up the left side of my lips.

she said's it makes me look like im up to somehting not like id dear when im hear. i took one last glance in the ovle mirror the pear of my icey gray eyes stering back at me i saw a ladys reflecshon in the miror and ternd arownd i was in shock i let go of the pigtale i was plating and steard in utter shock

thear was a pale outline of a women she had a compleatly strate fase and i knew i did to that smerk wiped rite of my face . 

she was the couler of telavishon statick even giveing of the same crackaling nose. 

she signald for me to stand up and i obliged she gave me a little bob that lookd abit like a certsy and even thogh i was just in a plan wight nightgown i tuckd my right leg behind the left and swepd a deep certsy the next thing i know she is strideing  towords me wall i back away 

she is close to my ear now and her buzzing is lowder she wispes in my ear "tomorow  Arrow" then she pawsd as if deep in thort then she started agen "greenhouse ... roof ... night walkers ... ww ... clover ... Jake  Dragons- 

nock nock nock herd at the door 

she rapd her cloke arowd herself and then spun only leveing the light sond of craking behind 

i let out a bereth i dident even know that i was holding in and qickly still in shock scuttled over to the vanaty and then the lady at the door said ARROW CASSADEAN YOU ARE AWAKE RIGHT . BECOUSE IF YOUR NOT THA- 

IM AWAKE i calld out as the hellper bussled in.

i finishd plating the uther side of my thick long golden hair and without hesatashon she ripd of the nightgown i was wearing so i was standing thear in just a bra and pants. 

COME ON THEN ARMS UP she sreackd and before i even had a chance to move she had hold of my small delocet rist and yankd my arms up  she put obout 15 big puffy scurts over my head and then the dayly dredded part the corset 

she pulld the thick bond monstrosaty over my head and arond my chest and waste i closed my eyes as the sharp pane hit my stomach and i winced. i could feel my orgons screeming and i couldent breath 

the lady them put the bodice on and i lookd in the mirror only at see me in a light pink ballroom gown it had small beaded butterflys and flowers sowd on.

i still thort i lookd like a puffy fluffy marshmellow but that was hardly the pont. i put on some pink velvit shoes and a perl necleas and darted out the door to the ball room  the encounter of the statacky wommen still swimming in my head. goose bumbs wear pokeing thrue the delicot scin on my arm. i also still had the crckaling nose she let of scratching my brane but i tryd to propere myself for todays pane becose i knew it would cone it will allwase come.

word count                         691       not to bad 

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