static for a sister

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i rushd in and make an etempt to lock the door but theare must have been 30 lowd jangaling keys that wear as good as a giver way can get and i wasent about to be fumberling with them i ran out the green house door into a smal patch of grasswith a big ock tree

the next thing i know im climeing to the top of it and scuttle along one thick branch. i was clinging on tite becose if i fell i would ether be cort or worce in a weal chear.

lord must of herd my prers and alowd me to stay in the tree. 

that of coce was only intill i herd voces and went scuttleing ontop of the green house roof.

i was praying that the peaple under me wouldent look up. 

then i saw suylvana come thrue the door to meat her cronies and walkd strate under me and out the door i had went thrue to get on the tree

  i tride slowly shuffleing over to the safe and sterdy tiles of roof becouse i new darn well that this glass was allmost at shatering pont.

if it couldent take the wate of a light 13 year old girl no way sylvana could stay on it sesing as she was a grate lump of a girl.

she stormd of angrly as i sat theare crosst legd on the tiles of reguler roof. catching my breth. i closed my eyes 

i could have swan it was only two seconds and when i lookd at my whatch i saw that it had been. 

3.42 pm just 4 seconds ago 

then who ternd of the light bulb in the sun. becose it was pitch black.

i scurrys over the glass hanging my head over the side of the drane pipe as my long gold plats hung down. i grabd onto the drane and flipd myself backwods landing gracefuly on the flor.

then i seemd to figer i was standing on top of something scwishy

i dident know how to describe it.

i got of when i gaspd at hearing a low buzzing nose get lowder and lowder 

and then a gray, black and wight stataky thing apeard in a blere then after ajusting to the sudden light i recognised the women from yesterday that i had seemd to forget about.

"brave" she mumbled  wall comeing closer to me i wanted to back away but i couldent reely see or remember weare the thing on the flor was.

as i backd away i felt the soles of my shues stiking like mixing pva with water

i took in a wiff of blood asumeing it was myne cose i could of cut myself with glass you never know.

"Brave babby" she mumbled agen in a soft suposedly cumferting way. 

i stopd being scerd then my hart dropd. lokking at her then the ground. 

i had to she said wistfuly.

as she got closer theare was a girl coverd in blood head hanging of her neck fingers all panefuly snapd and her chest seemd to have exploded.

i made no sound just gorpd. i wasent sceard. 

i ternd sylvana's head over a bit not wanting to split the neck fully of the sholdes her face was coverd in blood.

i was horrorfide but not sceard.

the ghost tryd to come closer to me and said gently carmly. to carm. i was haveing trubble figering out how i felt about this but it seemd to come natchrly to her. yes i could stop some amoshons but it dident seem like this girl had any.

she looks around 17 thick black hair that was platted the same as mine 

then she started crying             just as i thort she dident have amoshons 

brave   she sobd.   she grabd hold of my arm and i dinent flinch or back away this time 

im sorry its to late for me to help more. she strikdly said holding back big gray tears 

i got one empty but i cant hellp now thayre  reddy.

i wanted to say i dident understand but i did know that i was done for.  insted i say thats okkkkkkk--------

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH- i screemd as i fellt ripping and tering at my arm.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2023 ⏰

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