The sunday routine part 2

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as i walkd down the long widing stear case the whole house was awake and lively yet i could tell that none wear truly happy...  exept ant emily 

but she allwase insisted i call her miss becose she is suposedly my mistres                                        

 phhhh as if. she is just my gardean and a strickd one at that if i had friends thay would say she is just looking out for me becouse she loves me and in responce to that i would say have you met the women 

but ofcorce i have no frends she made shore of that aspeshaly boys not that i had a problem with that because i was still going thrue the fase wear i thort boys were grose and ant emily   encoreged this enless thay were filthy rich like her. once i walckd past her office or as ive allwase calld it her plotting room she had said in thease egsact words "we shall need to get miss cassadean a husbend and soon " i frose as rememberd the acerence then i was court sight of by a made who was practicly screeming  " miss cassaden miss cassadean ARROW WATE" i wanted to run i was an ramarcably fast runner but she was only a fue paces behind me 

what is it Jude i say roleing my eyes becose she was going to make me late to the ball room for practice she was panting hevely and claspd one had to her hart checking the pulce as she curtseyd holding out her uther hand with a small silver ring in it with small imbelishd roses around the side of the silver 

i gaspd snaching up the ring and slideing it qickly onto my finger i hugd her and then speed walckd down thin coredor to thin coredor  it was like a mase that i had understiood how not to get lost in. then thear was a big archway that led into the largest  room in the house its butie never falld d to impress me even tho i knew the pane that was comeing. pane 

i lifted my scert a bit so i  was able to hoble down the fue stears  then i glided acros the dance flore to be met in the middle with ant emily  my dance instructer and a pink boy who was the same hite as me had mousy blond hear and was dresst all in brown exept for a green bowtie 

thats when i axedently blerted out "who the hell are you " 

my ant gave me a vishos glear 

then she said in an unushaly kind voce that sonded nuthing like her one 

dear me Arrow can i talk to you in privet. i got sceard then.

the boy scoft when he herd my name but i couldent cear less about that.

 but luckaly my dance instructor said in an anoyd tone of vose please peaple we dont have time for this.  you to he said ponting at both me and the boy.  go change.        NOW . 

we both walkd to the uther side to wear the changeing rooms wear thear wear two small cubicals that the certen coverd only up to our necks 

Dylan he said randomly.

Hu i spat out bemused 

you askd me what my name was thear it is he he responded 

oh. well im Arrow cassadean 

he laphd agen I know he snorted 

i reechd over is certon and smackd him rond the head 

Oy he laphd i dident want laugh to but he youst had one that was so contages that you couldent help but jone in then i stopd laphing and he lookd at my consernd fase as i gulpd  hearing footsteps that i recognise cose thats what i ushaly hear before pane.   

"duck" i  say and he did looking confused then the door was trusted opin 

my certon was opend and the next thing i know cold hard nuckles apon my cheak  and i cryd out a bit feeling her solid sliver rings make contackt  HOW DEAR YOU she bellowd lowdly

 im sorry ant emily  wisperd  


takeing anuther hard rack across my allredy redond cheek. 

she hufd and then walckd out 

"ARE YOU OK" Dylan wisper showted.  look at me he said  

so i did wall lokking into my small mirror 

Arrow he gaspd wall looking into my flooding eyes then to his suprise i smiled 

my god your so wird he blerted out. how in the world would he be smileing your bleeding he said wall ponting out the spot on my face that had been baddly cut by a dimond on her ring 

i rubd two of my fingers across it liking of the blood 

my eyes had lost all amoshan and my smile was still a smerck i lookd up at him "i expected it to be worce i said. hopeing it was the end of the conversashon 

but then he said one last thing.  

" how are you not crying "  i would be i ruplyd gently but i dont infront of uther peaple i can controle amoshons qite well i said  prowdly   allso just so you know for nextime  girls ant as weak as you thinck thay are 

that was the end of the convosashon and we just dresst in awkwerd silence 

word count is         894 words 

try to ignore my HORABLE spelling my dislexic brane dont work well with words as you can see from how bad this chapter was sooooooooooooo     ya

bye thanx for reeding 

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