Chpater 4: Sweet, Sweet Revenge

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•Present time•
Ace waited until night, after the party was over and everyone had left and his parents were asleep. He had locked his door and didn't let anyone in after the police woman had left. Now, as everyone slept, he was preparing. As he put on his black hoodie, he looked in the mirror. He was wearing his desert fatigue pants with a black studded belt, black combat boots, his black hoodie, a worn out grey t-shirt, and his blue tinted aviator sunglasses. He picked up a red pocket knife that had a black fireball design on the handle and slid it into his back right pocket. He picked up his zippo lighter that had a blue ace of spades on both sides of it and placed it in his back left pocket. He quietly made his way downstairs and out the back door. He quickly checked his surroundings and placed his key under a propane tank, and then walked through the creek in his backyard and along the road leading towards the highway. As he got near the highway, he quickly took a sharp right turn and walked down a dirt road. While he was walking Ace began to think to himself.

"He isn't hiding at the house, otherwise the police would've found him. I know he isn't hiding in any of the near by houses, or the neighbors or someone would've called it in by now. He is somewhere in this town though, the police are searching any exits he might have took." He began to ponder these thoughts as he walked down the winding dirt road.

He reached a double story grey house. It was Sarah's house. He could see the yellow police tape over the door, but he didn't enter the house.

"I'm not ready to face that yet. I can't." He whispered as he shook while staring at the oak door.

He walked around to the back of the house. He walked up to the last step of the back porch, then turned around. He took 6 large steps then stopped. He began to search the ground around him until he found it, a large shoe print. He found several more, but they were zigzagging, which meant that the guy was drunk. They led off to the woods that were 30 meters from the back of the house. Ace got up and started to walk in that direction.

"Of course the police haven't found him yet. There have been multiple bodies found in the woods that look like a bear attacked them, but yet only only 2 people have actually seen the bear, well only one now. The police won't launch a manhunt for Sarah's murderer if he's hiding in the woods, they don't have the manpower nor the proper equipment to conduct it. I on the other hand, am more determined and I know these woods better than anybody in town. I shall find him tonight, and end this." Ace said inside his head.

He reached the beginning of the woods. As he stepped inside something caught his attention. A tree a few feet away had a carving on it. A circle the diameter of his hand size with a 'X' slashed through it. Ace shrugged it off after studying it, thinking it was just a stupid marking hikers use. He continues onward, going deeper into the woods. He walked a good 5 miles until he came across an old log cabin. Ace crouched walked over to one of the windows quietly. He slowly stood up at the edge and peaked inside, and was disgusted at what he saw. There passed out on a couch was Sarah's father. Littered around on the floor was empty beer cans and alcohol bottles.

"That bastard. He's been here the whole time!" Ace mumbles.

He walks to the front door, and walks inside. After closing the door, he walks straight over to the father and picks him up and tosses him into a near by chair. Ace quickly grabs some nearby rags and ties the man's hands behind his back and to the chair. Next he ties his legs to the legs of the chair. Before the man realized what had happened Ace tied the final rag around the man's throat acting as a gag. Ace pulls out his pocket knife and flicks it open.

"This was given to me by my only friend. She was a very good friend, the best anyone could have. Then you went and murdered her. By taking her away, you broke my heart. Now I am going to break yours." Ace said.

He walks slowly over to the man and rips open his shirt. Ace then jams the blade into the man's chest, directly piercing his heart. He begins to hack at his chest, until a hole opened up where his heart was. Ace turns and walks over to the fireplace and picks up the bottle lighter fluid and squirts some into the gap in the man's chest and down his leg and makes a trail to the door. He pulls out the zippo lighter and ignites the fluid and watches as the house is consumed by the flames. As Ace walks away he brings to hum a small tune. Little does he know that he is being watched from a distance, and from someone who he would never thought existed.

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