Chapter 7: Death or Death?

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Kayla started to say something when Slender walked up an interrupted her.

"You may go now Kayla. I can handle Mr. Ace from here."

"One, I wasn't even called by you, and two i was only gonna show him-." She tried to say but was cut off again.

"I said you can leave! Do i make myself clear?" Slender snapped at her.

"Yes sir." Kayla says. As she walks away she mumbles a quick goodbye.

Ace wanted her to stay and continue to talk to him, but he knew that if this "Slender" wanted to talk to him in private it must be very important. He takes a deep breath and turns to face the tall faceless man behind him.

"Did you want to talk to me Sir?" Ace asked in his most calm and respectable tone.

"You haven't even been here a full day and you're already making new friends. Very good, since they will be the last people you ever know." Slender says.

"What do you mean Sir?" Ace asks while taking a step back defensively.

"Well child, not just anyone can become a Creepypasta. You have 2 choices. One is to be killed right here and now, or you could "die" and stay a Creepypasta forever. But that means you would have to live here and follow my rules. before you make your choice, let me tell you something first. I saw the potential to become a great proxy in you, that's why I spared your life and brought you to my home. If you do decided to stay, after some training I would like you to become one of my proxies. The choice is yours. Death or death?" Slender replies waiting for an answer.

Ace knew he really didn't have a choice, and he knew that Slender had already known what he was going to choose. He takes another deep breath then sighs.

"What type of training do you mean?" He asks raising an eyebrow. "And what did you mean the other night when you said you gave me a gift? And what was that about my mother?" he slightly raised his voice on that last part.

"As you already guessed I had already known your choice, so i bestowed upon you the same gift that the rest of the people here have. The gift of immortality, which is not to be confused with indestructibility. You can live forever if you are not mortally wounded. And as for your training, proxies have to go through intense training because they are sent on extreme missions. basically they go do jobs that are otherwise suicidal because they are in high risk situations. So far there are 4 proxies. Hoodie and Masky, which are the leaders of the proxies, then there's Toby who is a bit annoying but I think you and him might get along, and then there's Clockwork who is the only girl proxy and part timer. Which meeting her should be very entertaining to watch, but I'll let you figure out that part on your own." Slender slightly chuckles at that last part.

Ace slightly raises an eyebrow at Slender but just shrugs it off. He noticed that Slender didn't mention anything about his mother. He wanted to ask again, but he figured that if he kept being persistent he might not get is answer at all, or even worse Slender might kill him if he kept asking.

"So when does training start?" Ace asked trying to change the subject.

"Well Masky, Hoodie, Toby, and Clockwork were all out doing a job when Toby got injured so he was sent back with the help of Hoodie. So Masky and Clockwork are still out completing the job while Toby gets better. You could temporarily train with Hoodie until either the others get back or until Toby gets better, which should be in a day or two. "

"I'll wait till tomorrow. Right now I just want to go take a look at the place and get use to being here and go over some things by myself. Mr. Slender do you have any food by chance? I haven't eaten since yesterday morning." Ace said when his stomach growled.

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