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{{Hey! So these are just some one shots that I wrote when I got bored and I decided "why not publish them?" Soo... I did! Just as a note, these are not edited and probably have no story behind them because my mind is crazy with imagination and i just had to get these ideas written down. Hope you like them:)



"Kayla you know what this means right?" Dr. Shepard kneeled down in front of me as I sat curled on the chair in the hospital room.

"You have no family left..."

He was right. With cancer finally taking my mother from me, my entire family was dead. I was the last King. left.

"Should I call your godfather?" Dr. Shepard was the closest thing I had to a father since the Air Force took mine. He was close to my mother and I since we saw him a lot due to her cancer.

"He won't pick up," I whispered. "He's to busy."

Dr. Shepard looked down, pitying me as much as possible. He placed a hand on my shoulder and looked back up.

"Kayla I'm sure he cares about you *very* very much, and you don't have any other choice."

Without speaking again, he left to make the call.

All grandparents on either side of my family were dead. My mother's sister died due to an allergic reaction to a bee sting. My father's sister was killed in a cliff diving accident. My father's brother died in a plain old car crash. My father was killed in the Air Force. And my mother had just ended her battle with brain cancer.

I was all alone...

"Kayla!" Dr. Shepard stormed into the room. "You never told me who your godfather was!"

"It didn't come up.." I shrugged as I sat up.

"That's kind of a big thing to figure out through a file!"

"Look this is not really a good time to be yelling at me..."

He sighed. "You're right. Sorry Kayla.."

"So did he answer?"

"As a matter of fact he did. He said he'll be here as fast as he can."

I scoffed, wiping my eyes to rid them of water. "He's in France last I heard. He won't be here for days."

"Well do you have all your stuff ready? Do you want me to take you home to pack?"

I glanced around the hospital room and walked over to a couple of duffle bags and backpacks that were thrown in the corner. I took a shirt from where it was flung over the now empty bed, placed in a backpack, and zipped it up.

"I'm all packed. I basically lived here Dr. Shepard. I don't even think I have a room back at my real house."

"Kayla?!" A worried voice followed by several pairs of footsteps came thundering down the hall.

"Are you sure he was in France?" Dr. Shepard whispered. I shrugged. He move over to the doorway of the hospital room and hung on it, leaning most of his body out in the hall. He made a beckoning gesture to the yelling man and leaned back in.

Before I could prepare myself to see him again, my godfather burst into the room with his friends at his heels. He stopped in the doorway and stared at me with watery eyes and a look of sympathy.

"Kayla..." He said quietly.

With one last glance at Dr. Shepard, I crumpled and let myself sob full on.

"She's gone Liam."

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