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I never expected her to leave me.

Samantha and I were always together. We were always best friends. We were always perfect.

I never imagined that this would happen.

It all happened so fast.


"Zayn stop!" She screeched. "It tickles!" Samantha squealed and batted my hand away from her side. She scrambled to get up off of her front lawn as I began to chase her.

"Come back here Sam!" I shouted as we ran in circles. I gripped her waist and we stumbled backwards back on to the lush green grass. Her weight on top of me was comforting. She relaxed as we stared up at the blue sky and cottony clouds.

"Zayn," Sam whispered, playing with my fingers. "How long have we been best friends?"

"Since before I can remember."

She turned her head on my chest, her long black hair fanning out. "Then I think you should of remembered that I have cheer practice in ten minutes."

She stood from me as I groan, shortly following suit. "Can't you skip it today? I leave to go back on tour soon!"

"I wish I could, but I don't think telling my coach that I had to spend quality time with the famous Mr.Malik would cut it." She smiled and grabbed her bag from where she had flung it next to a tree earlier.

"At least let me drive you," I called as she began to walk down the street.

Samantha paused, thinking a moment. "Naw, walking is good for me. Plus it's only a couple blocks away. I'll call you when I'm done Zayn."

She smiled one last time and then turned around while putting in her headphones.

I screamed her name desperately as the car approached. I ran after her as fast as I could. But she couldn't hear me.

She couldn't hear me. She couldn't hear the car. She didn't even know.

*end of flashback*

"Zayn you need to focus right now."

I heard Liam's voice and felt his warm hands grip my shoulders, but I couldn't comprehend any of it. I didn't want to.

Finally, I forced my eyelids to part from my tear filled eyes.

"Samantha is dying. She's dying and you need to go see her before you can't anymore!"

I looked gravely at Harry as he sat next to me.

"It'll be ok mate," he said softly.

Niall nodded. "Do you want us to come with you."

Slowly, I shook my head.

"No. No I need to-to do this alone." I stood from the waiting room chair and carefully put one foot in front of the other all the way down the hall until I stopped in front of Sam's room.

She saw me from the glass walls and smiled weakly. It killed me to see that she could barely even smile. So I took a deep breath, and walked inside.

"Hey Sam." Her heart monitor was beating unevenly and she struggled to breath. Her face tried to hide the pain she felt, but I knew her better; she could hardly hold on.

"Hi." She motioned for me to come closer. I sat down in the chair beside her bed and gripped her small hand in my own. Her ran skin was cold and had a grey tint to it.

"Zayn I have to tell you something before I go," she croaked out.

"No, Sam you're not going to go. I need you to much. You can't leave me here alone." Tears streaked my cheeks.

She closed her eyes for a minute, and when they reopened, they were filled to the brim with water.

"I don't want to, but I have to. Please just let me tell you. I need you to know something before I die."

I bowed my head ad wiped away tears, waiting for her to speak.

"I need you to know this. You've... you've best friend all my life. And...I've wanted to...I've wanted to say this ever since I first...met you Zayn."

She breathed in loud, gasping breaths. The beeps of the heart monitor grew slower by the second. Right before it flatlined, she managed to squeeze out three small words that I still hear throughout my mind to this day:

"I love you."

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