Get to the pointe

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It was two in the morning when Zayn's eyes flew open. He laid still for a moment, trying to figure out what had woken him. It was silent in the hotel. The lights were off everywhere, even in the halls and the main lobby. Everyone was asleep. Then he heard it. The small thumps coming from downstairs. They were soft and the timing confused him. Some were close together, other times it would be a couple minutes before he heard another; some were soft and barely audible while others were loud and startled him slightly. Slowly, he rose from his bed and cracked open the door. What was that pesky noise?

He crept into the hallway and stood motionless, hardly daring to breathe. The thumps came again. Zayn strained his hearing and followed them down the stairs. Occasionally he would stand perfectly still, like a statue, and listen to figure out their direction. It was eery creeping around the hotel at such an hour where everything was deserted and dark. He constantly checked his surroundings and located his exits in case something were to happen. Squinting his eyes in the dark, Zayn glided through the lobby.

It was silent. Then a thump came loud and clear. He was much closer than before and it excited him and scared him to find the source. Weaving his way around the chairs and plants, he found the dinning room. Zayn remembered it from the big meet and greet dinner they had held earlier in the day. It was large with beautiful wooden floors and plastic tables and chairs that were stacked to the side when they weren't in use. Yes. The noises were defiantly coming from here. He peeked around the doorway and soon brought his whole body around and just slightly inside to get a better view of who was dancing inside.

A tiny girl, skinny with legs that went on for miles, was dressed in a light blue leotard and wore black pointe shoes on her feet. She counted quietly to herself as she moved across the floor. She was using the room to dance. Her long blonde hair was tied in a ponytail at the back of her head and swished around as she twirled and leaped. It was her pointe shoes making the thumps that had risen him. She had been dancing. But why at this hour? And why in secret? And why in here?

Zayn cleared his throat to make her aware of his presence. Startled, the girl stumbled from pointe and caught the wall to keep front falling on her face.

"What are you doing?" He asked her.

She was quiet, shocked and embarrassed to be caught. "P-practicing." She mumbled out.

"You're really good." He tried to calm her deer-in-headlights demeanor to no avail. She didn't reply. "What's your name?"


Michelle was quite pretty and Zayn found himself walking towards her, unable to stay away from such a distance. He flicked on a light to view her better. And that's when she ran.

She snatched up a bag and shoved Zayn into a stack of chairs as she ran for dear life out of the room. She had run from pure fear and it was even more intriguing to him. Why was she scared?

"Wait!" He called after her. But by the time he had stood up and followed out to the lobby, she was gone.

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