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Harry Styles used to be the best person in my life. He used to be my best friend. I used to tell him all my secrets. But now I can't even look at him without wanting to scream.

I told him my biggest secret.

And he couldn't keep it.

I've never felt more betrayed. I've never felt so awful, so angry. So as the pressure built up to much and I blew up, he was the last person I wanted to see. This was all just to much. I couldn't deal with him and everything else! Why won't he just leave me alone?! Yes, I miss him. I miss him so much. But it can never go back to the way it was. Trust is like a flame, and once you snuff it, it's out for good.

I ran out of the building screaming and crying. Why can't everyone just leave me alone! I don't need them! I don't need their help!! They just make everything worse.


No. Not now. Not him. Not ever.

"Kasey please slow down!" As much as I hated to obey him, I came to a stop a few feet from the edge of a large grassy cliff. It's green stands came to my calves and tickled in the breeze blowing back my curled strawberry blonde hair. I wiped my tears ferociously with the sleeve of my jean jacket, but it was useless to hide it from him. Everyone had already seen me fall apart inside. They had stared as I ran out. They had commented in whispers at how broken I was. There was nothing to do to fix me. Harry could've at one point. But he made it so much worse when he broke my trust. I *can't* be fixed now.

"What's wrong?" He placed a hand on my shoulder but I refused to look at him. How dare he ask that.

"Give me one reason why I should trust you Harry," I spat through my tears.

"Because I care about you."

I scoffed. "A *real* reason please."

"Kase please don't do this..."

"You betrayed me. I have *never* felt so used in my life!'

"You needed help!" He screamed.

"I needed YOU!! And you ruined everything! I did not need help! I needed either you to stay in my life or get the hell out. Not do this half ass attempt to try and get me back. I'm not that stupid. I'm not going to be hurt twice."

"I did it because I cared about you! I wanted you to get the help you needed! Do you know how hard it was for me to watch you go through that? Do you know how hard it was for me to worry every single day whether I'd find you dead in your room or not?"

"I was fine!!"

"You were NOT FINE KASEY!!" He was screaming now, upset and almost ready to cry as well. "Don't lie to yourself..."

I practically had a drip system in my eyes now. Tears leaked evenly down my cheeks and I had given up on wiping them. My eyes wandered to the cliff. What if I just jumped?

"Kasey don't even think about it." His voice was threatening and gave me a warning. But I took a step closer anyways. It would be so much easier for everyone...

He yanked me back by my arm roughly. "Stop! How dare you tell me you're fine as you try to jump off a cliff? What's wrong with you? I'm not fucking stupid!"

"You were the only person I trusted.. You made me happy. You made me feel like I was special and wanted. But then you turned around and stabbed me in the back."

"Why can't you see that I was helping you?"

"Just stop. Please. I don't need your help." I pulled back my arm and stepped away from him. "I just need you gone so I don't get false hope anymore."


"Give me a reason why I should give you a second chance?"


"It's a trick question Harry. There is no second chance with trust. You broke me."

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