Episode 5: Bionic Rebellion (part 2)

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in the common area,Sebastian, Lexi and Tank are facing Adam, Bree, Chase and Harper.

"What are we gonna do? We have to save Mr. Davenport" Bree says "And Perry" Adam says.

"Absolutely. Time permitting" Chase says "Chase!" Harper says, they look at her "not that I care but.." Harper tries to justify.

"You know what? I'll save you the trip. You can say goodbye to both of them from here" Sebastian says.

Sebastian presses button on watch and starts a video conference with Mr Davenport and Perry in the hydraloop.

"Look! It's the mechanical people" Perry says "Yes, we're saved" Mr Davenport says "Not exactly" Sebastian says "Sebastian" Mr Davenport says.

"He blew up the hydraloop tunnel and cut off your oxygen supply" Chase says "Wow! Who would have guessed that Sebastian was behind everything!" Harper says sarcastically "Harper!" Chase says quietly annoyed getting her attention "sorry" Harper says.

"sorry we doubted you Harper" Mr Davenport says "It's fine,don't worry about me" Harper says "Because our biggest concern right now is we're gonna need a new hydraloop" Adam says "Adam!" Bree says.

"Look, will somebody please tell me what's going on?" Mr Davenport ask "Sebastian knows about Krane and he's trying to start a rebellion with the rest of the students" Bree says.

"What? How does he know about Krane?" Mr Davenport ask, Adam, Bree and Harper glare at Chase "...I might have told him" Chase says embarrassed.

"Only because I thought we were friends"Chase says looking at Sebastian irritated, Harper looks at him with pity and discreetly puts her hand on his arm to comfort him.

"See? There's your first mistake. Who'd wanna be your friend?" Perry says "Terry! shut up!" Harper says "Oh you're a pretty despicable little being too" Perry says.

"Chase has been very helpful, and once my brothers and sisters hear what really happened to our father, they'lljoin me. Then...we can fulfill his dreams of bionic humans ruling the world" Sebastian says.

"Guys, don't let him near the other students. They're not ready to know about Krane yet. They won't understand why we had to destroy their creator!" Mr Davenport says "Then you probably shouldn't have just told them" Sebastian says.

The students in the training area are
shown to be watching the live feed from the hydraloop, and all turn to look at Leo.


"Please believe me. I was planning on telling you about Krane eventually, but I couldn't let anything interfere with teaching you to become bionic heroes. I needed you to trust..."Mr Davenport says but it stops when the live feed cuts out.

"Great, now we'll never know why we should trust him" Adam says.

"Sebastian, why are you doing this? We're the ones who took out Krane" Chase says "Exactly. And now you're gonna know what it feels like to lose your father..." Sebastian says.

"...or do you despise this one too?" Sebastian asks Harper "eh! he's not my favorite but...he is Nice!" Harper says.

"Krane wasn't a father to you. He was a deranged madman" Bree says "He was our leader. And he was gonna prove to the world that bionic humans are superior. Until you all got in our way" Sebastian says.

"That's it. I'm saving Mr. Davenport. Chase, get the door!" Bree says, she super speeds over to the door, and crashes into it when Lexi uses her bionics to seal the frame.

"I knew it! You're an interior decorator too" Adam says "It's carbonex, and it's impossible to break" Lexi says "It's called molecular manipulation. You didn't know I had it because I've been saving it for a special occasion" Lexi sayson the other side of the room.

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