Episode 15: the Revenge (part 2)

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Douglas and Mr Davenport go to the island, Douglas carries Harper in his arms, Mr Davenport goes ahead and grabs a stretcher quickly.

"come on girl don't do this to us!' Douglas says in a sad tone.

"Quick get her over here!" Mr Davenport says, Douglas puts Harper on the stretcher, she has a breathing mask on, Mr Davenport quickly scans her to see all the damage done.

"What's her status Donny?" Douglas ask "Hard to say, her lung was compromised, it's weak, she has an open fracture on her right leg, and the gas was heavily toxic, affecting her respiratory and circulatory system..." Mr Davenport says looking at the monitor with her report.

"So that means.." Douglas says "she's alive for now but in her condition, it won't last long" Mr Davenport says worried.

"it has to last!" Douglas says, Harper wakes up "Harper" Mr Davenport
says "Girl, how you feeling?" Douglas asks.

"Terrible, I can't breathe right... By the way, you were right about not going alone" Harper says the weak voice, she's pale, Douglas looks at her seriously.

"I know you feel bad that's why we brought you here we'll take care of you" Mr Davenport says putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Where are the others?" Harper asks "they are facing your sister" Douglas says "What!? They need help!" Harper says.

"you can't help them in these conditions" Mr Davenport says "So do something!" Harper says, Douglas and Mr Davenport look at each other.

"You guys don't know what to do, right?" Harper says "We're still thinking! Your situation is delicate" Mr Davenport turns back to the monitor.

Harper closes her eyes, and rests her head on the pillow.

Douglas removes the skates devices on her foot and the bracelets that control the boomerangs, he looks at the devices thoughtfully.

"Donny" Douglas says "Is the damage done reversible?" Douglas ask, Mr Davenport quickly looks at Harper concerned.

"No, it just tends to get worse unfortunately" Mr Davenport says "So, no cure?" Harper says "Unfortunately not" Mr Davenport says, Harper sighs worriedly.

"What about...project H" Douglas says silently "No Douglas, it's risky" Mr Davenport says.

"project what!?" Harper says "Douglas we agreed it was a bad idea" Mr Davenport says.

"it was a bad idea until we ran into a worse situation like this" Douglas says "We don't know if it works" Mr Davenport says.

"Donny, you have no choice, her vital system has been compromised, I'm not going to let that happen!" Douglas says, Mr Davenport thinks.

"Uh excuse me! I think I should be entitled to join the conversation since it's my life on the line here!!" Harper says "Not now girl the adults are talking" Mr Davenport says.

"what is project H?" Harper ask "Project H was made for you, calls for a...radical way to save your life" Douglas says.

"how is it?" Harper says "Yeah, Douglas and I started to argue about this a while ago when you started going on missions, we thought it would be interesting to have an emergency plan to save your life in case you were seriously injured on a mission" Mr Davenport says.

"Exactly, we were still developing this project, and we agreed that we would only put it into practice in an extreme case..... after all, I don't feel like having to build a robot girlfriend for Chase and it's unlikely he'll find another real one" Douglas says.

"wow! you guys are very moving!" Harper says sarcastically.

"i don't get it, what is this project about?" Harper says "It's not finishing" Mr Davenport says "what's not finishing? you guys can answer me!"Harper ask.

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