chapter 15: THE PLAN

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Ruqaiya makes sure that the soldiers have been arranged in a proper way to safeguard the fort.....
She stands near the fountain which was in the middle of harem.... Looking at the water.... She senses someone's presence and turned to look back but found no one....
When her face turned again found a sword near her neck.... In a moment, there were some men with covered faces, pointing their swords on her.....
She was not able to run because of her baby bump nor could call anyone for help the sword had hit her skin....
One among them says, " Now, the end of mughal sultanate will begin with your death"
Ruqaiya says, " Shehensha will not leave anyone who is against his kingdom! My death will not bring destruction to the mughals but it will become the fire of justice that burns each one of you!!"

He pulls her hair and now her head facing the sky, another raises his sword in air.....
Ruqaiya get flashes of her family, her king and the unborn child in her womb.... With shahadat in her lips and the love for her husband in heart, she closes her eyes tightly .....

A dagger hits the assasin and the remaining ones looks at the direction to witness a handsome young man in his late 20s. Along with him were mughal soldiers pointing arrows at them... The sound of the man made ruqaiya to open her eyes and she sees blood splashed in her face and dress.... She too looks at the one standing in front of them....

Her eyes widened as she realised who was he.... The arrows hits the masked people and everyone fell at the same time.... She sighed and took a step forward and heard noise of the waters in the fountain.... Suddenly more masked men jumped out of the water making her shocked.... This time these men were lot in number and rounded them in all corners...
The enemies started to run towards her with a spear but she bends down to take the sword and slits his stomach and he falls down....
She looks at the young man's direction, and nods her head and the soldiers started to fight with masked men....
Ruqaiya too fought with some, both her and the young man walked towardseach other... She sees someone coming behind his back to attack him....
She shouts, " Mirza!! Peeche dekho! "
Mirza turns and kills him....

A maid have been watching all these and runs to her mistress yashomati to tell her about the attack.... When yashomati amd harkha hears it... Harkha panicks.... " Maasi, we ll inform atga saab so that he ll help her... Come! "
Yashomati pulls harkha and says, " Are u mad, ruqaiya? There is someone helping her.... But when God shows you a way, why can't u see it? "
Harkha frowns, " What way are u talking about? "
Yashomati smiles.

Here all the enemies are dead and ruqaiya come to mirza....
He says, " Adhaab bhabijaan! "
She smiles, " You came at the right moment... If not you I don't know what would have happened to me"
He says, " That's all over right? Let's not talk about ifs and but.... "
She says, " I ll go and check on bakshi bano once, you go and meet ammi... She will be happy to see you"
He nods and both leave....

She enters bakshi's chamber and finds her alright.... She comes out with the same sword in her hand.... Yashomati spilled some oil In her way to make her fall down... But ruqaiya did not take the corridor and there were some 7-9 steps that would take her to the meeting room.... When she was getting down someone pushed her from back, ruqaiya fell down with her hands facing the ground.... She screamed in pain......
Within no time she lost her consciousness and laid in pool of blood.....

The king was successful in killing every soldier of the enemy.... When he was to behead vikramaditya,
Shehensha asked, " Any last wishes? "
He replies with a smile, " What did you think? You ll live happily after my death.... By this time the soldiers would have killed your entire family... "
Shehensha boils with anger and beheaded him.
He along with his army rushed back to agra.... He had a weird feeling that ruqaiya was not well....

Mirza comes to the women of harem... He meets his mother and tells them what happened.... How he saved ruqaiya and they fought the enemies....
Atga khan brings news to them that shehensha had won the war and captured another territory..... Everyone were happy hearing this....
Harkha comes to yashomati, " What happened maasi? Did you not hear shehensha had won and he is safe? "
She says, " I am happy that your husband is safe and had won the war... But this was the best time to take her out of his life.... But i missed it! "
Harkha says, " What? What did you try? "
She narrates the whole incident of how ruqaiya took other way escaping the oil.....
Harkha says, " Leave it maasi, today she might have escaped, we ll find other way"

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Until then,

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