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It's been really a long time but ruqaiya has not yet returned.....
* in hamida's chamber*
Salima asks, " Mirza, ruqaiya had not come to us till now? Did she tell you anything? "
Mirza replies, " Aapi, she told me that she is going to bakshi's chamber to check on her and then join us"
She replies, " But ammi, I am coming from there only, she is not there! "
All 3 are worried....
Hamida says, " You go and search for her.... Khuda na kare, unhe kuch ho na jaye"
Salima and Mirza nods and goes from there.... They tell all the maids and soldiers to look for ruqaiya begum in the whole fort...... Moti goes with Mirza and gul goes with salima to find her......

Gul says, " Yeh kya hogaya? Our queen is not found yet.... We searched everywhere! "
Salima thinks for a while, " Gul, how many secret passages we have? "
Gul replies, " A lot begum sahiba"
She says, " We ll have to search everything... "
After checking each and every secret places..... They went along the corridor....
Salima asks, " Those stairs, where do they reach Gul? "
Gul replies, " I think the meeting room of the ministers! "
She says, " Let's check there too"
When they get down through it, they found that someone is there lying in the dark.... They find some blood tooo....
Salima says, " Who is there in this dark Gul... Come let's check"
Gul lights fire in the place
And their worst dream come true.... They become shocked to see ruqaiya in the pool of blood....
Salima screams, " Ruqaiya!!!! "
Mirza and moti hear her voice and rushed to the place....
Salima takes head in her lap, " Ruqaiya, open your eyes.... " She cries....
Mirza comes there, " Bhabhi!! "
He and salima lift ruqaiya and takes her to the chamber.... The news went on like a wildfire in harem.... Within no time everyone gathered in front of her chamber....
Harkha begum is shocked to hear this....
She asks, " Maasi, you said she escaped it... Then how come this happened? "
Yashomati says, " I don't even have an idea... Who did this"
Harkha says, " Ab baat ko yahi khatam karte hain... Iske baare mein hum abse koi baat nahi karenge... Teek hai? "
She nods in response.... And both go to ruqaiya's chamber....

* in ruqaiya's chamber *
They put her in the bed....
Salima says, " Mirza, go call the Royal healer... Fast! "
He goes from there....
Salima cries to her to open her eyes...
Hamida comes in running, " Kya huwa meri beti ko? "
And she sees her in blood and unconscious.... She goes to her and faints...
Salima says, " Ammi.... You should better go to your chamber... Seeing ruqaiya like this might harm your health.... "
Hamida says, " How can i leave my daughter like this? Jalal told me to take care of her before leaving.... What will i tell him when he returns? "
Salima says, " Aapko unhe bhi sambalna hai naa.... It will happen only if u are good"
After much convincing hamida goes to her chamber....
Salima asks moti, "where is the Royal healer?? Why she had not come yet?? "
Ruqaiya's conditions worse as more and more blood is lost....
At last Mirza brings her and she starts her treatment.....
Everyone comes out except salima and moti bai.....
Salima asks, " Ruqaiya will be alright? How is her baby? "
Hakkima replies after checking her, " I am sorry begum sahiba.... I think she has been in this state for a long time before you found her.... The baby had died a long ago and is still in her womb... "
Salima's grounds crashed and she was speechless and tears were flowing from her eyes.... She kept her palm in her mouth and cried....
Salima says, " Aur ruqaiya? "
Hakkima replies, " Her condition is not good... I will have to wake her up and induce labor.... Then only, the baby can out of her.... If she stays like this, we would lose her too-! "
Salima says, " Nahi.... You do what you have to do... "
She nods in response...

Harkha, maham and all others were waiting restlessly....
Harkha asks maham, " Who do you think might have did this maham? "
Maham replies, " I was thinking to ask this to you.... How will I know? "
Harkha says, " It's been a long time, there is no news... I don't know who will be alive.... The baby or Ruqaiya.... "
Maham says, " Either can make what you want.... Sorry... What we both want"
They both controlled their smile...

It was early morning and still ruqaiya had not opened her eyes... The healer continues to give various medicines.....
The adhaan of the morning prayer is given.... Mirza recieves the news that shehensha can be here anytime soon....
After a lot of trying, she wakes up....
Salima says, " Ruqaiya.. Ruqaiya! "
She screams in pain....
" Aah..... "
She goes into labor....
And finally after lot of difficulties the baby is born..... Ruqaiya becomes unconscious again.... Salima panicks....
Hakkima says, " Don't worry, she will be alright!! It's just that we ll have to monitor her"
They cleaned ruqaiya up and handed over the baby to salima... She looks at the baby, beautiful like a piece of moon, lifeless in her hands..... She covers it in a white cloth....
Salima says, " Hakkima sahiba, waqt aagaya hai... I will inform the news to everyone waiting outside.... "
Just then they hear the arrival of the emperor in the fort..... She looks on....

Hamida , mirza and maham anga were on the gates to meet him..... He was happy seeing mirza.... But he clearly sensed that something was wrong by looking at their faces....
He goes to them.....
" Ammi, what happened? Why are u crying? "
Mirza told him whatever happened on how they were attacked in his absence, how he helped ruqaiya, how they found her unconscious.....
All his senses went numb hearing this.... It was a lot to take in one go for him.....
Harkha comforted him by putting her hands on his back... He came to senses....
" I have to see her... Where is she??. How is she doing? Ammi? "
Harkha replies, " From midnight, she is in her chamber.... The midwife is treating her... No update on her status yet shehensha! "
He looks at harem's direction
" Mujhe unke paas jana hai! " Saying so he ran towards her chamber.....
Everyone gave way for the king....
He rushed towards the entrance.... Maham stopped him....
" Jalal-jalal don't go in..... Let her treat ruqaiya begum"
He did not pay heed... He again tried to go in.... She held him by her hands....
And tears roll down from his eyes....
" How can i not go, badi ammi? "
She too had tears in her eyes, " You should beta, have patience"
They make him sit in the couch and give him water....
The trio too reach there.... Hamida sits near him and he cries hugging her.... Maham makes harkha sit on the other side.... He is restless....

Salima comes out holding the baby in wrapped in ruqaiya's dupatta..... He looks at her and runs towards her....
" Salima begum, kya huwa? Ruqaiya teek hai... -" He looks at the baby in her hands and becomes happy....
" Ammi- dekhiye naa... Salima, yeh-yeh mera baccha hai..? "
Salima says, " Aapko nazar nahi aaraha hai shehensha? "
He looks the baby carefully and notices her dupatta.... And is happy....
" Mashallah!! " And takes the baby in his hands.... He tries to wake it up....
" What is he not waking up? "
Salima cries... Hamida too cries and everyone circles them....
The emperor realises what had happened.... He screams, " No-no-no this can't happen, salima begum? " He looks at her.... Everyone looks at her....

" Mubarak ho shehensha, aapko beta huwa hai! "She said.

Guys, I am happy to be back with a new chapter!! Hope you all have been enjoying the story.... I know it's a bit sad.... But I promise the next chapter is gonna be a rollercoaster of emotions.....
If u like that chapter plz do vote for it and tell your reviews in the comments section as they are valuable to me....

How is the story going? Do you have any suggestions??

Until then,
Always ❤

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