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Both bakshi and her husband were heartbroken.....the emperor too joined them.....and the final rights of the dead child was took days for bakshi to come out of the trauma of losing her child.....

Salima and ruqaiya were in one of the chatting session they usually have....salima says,"bakshi bano is also like our sister......i cannot bear to see her like this.....we have to do something ruqaiya begum"

She replies after looking at her,"what shall we do other than telling her to be patient salima begum,i also thought about it what all we can do but nothing strikes"

Salima asks,"how is shehensha now?"

She says,"he is ok now,but salima begum he was very scared that day,he is scared that something like this may happen to one of us.....i tried explaining but still he is not ready to agree"

Salima smiles and says,"this had to happen, he loves you so much that he is not ready to lose u at any cost.....with the will of my lord nothing like that will happen,if so then there will be no one to make him understand..."

She looks on.....

*in bakshi's chamber*

Her eyes were running out of tears due to continuous crying.....sharifuddin was irked...."whenever i come back from the court you are just sitting there crying and remembering the past, we have a future ahead bakshi,u have to understand it....."

She does not he comes near and keeps his hand on her shoulder bringing her back to the reality......."when did u come back?"....he says,"so like everyother day today also u did not listen......even i am sad due to the happenings.....he is my child also......if not this then god will grant me with other child"

She shrugs his hand which was on her shoulder and says,"what did u say?".....he looks at her in disbelief not knowing why she is reacting in that way.....she continues,"i had lost my child just now......and you need another child......" he stands up in anger,"just stop ....u are completely misunderstanding what i mean.....don't talk rubbish...."

She says," i am not misunderstanding anything....u need a child so as u ll be in power....." he says,"just be quite or else i don't know what i will do" she replies,"jo aap kar sakte hain woh sab aapne karliya.....toh kya bacha hai.....go to your other wife....she is pregnant too.....oh wait!her child is not a family of the royals.....because she was a concubine brought from some other part"

He shows his hand,"child is a child wherever it comes from.....i ve changed my ways.....but u did not.....even if nazia gives would be my child.....and i understand that.......until u realise ur own self from this trauma....i would never look at your face too" with that he stormed out of the chamber leaving the crying maiden lone in tears.....

After this incident things were not as it seemed to be......the distance between bakshi and her husband increased manyfolds......but this brought nazia her old lover back to her......she felt her husband turned into that one in her past whom she was in head over heels for..... during the harem meetings, ruqaiya came to know about the happenings through her birdies....

At one end she was feeling happy as nazia is getting what she deserves but on the other hand her heart burnt for bakshi.....

The emperor and ruqaiya was sitting along with hamida bano discussing some matters both in politics and family..... suddenly hamida's face lost the glow,the emperor was quick to notice and came near her and took her her hand in his,"ammi,what happened ?are u alright?"

Hamida replies,"how can i be soul is just aching thinking about my daughter....."

He looks at ruqaiya who eyes him too,"don't worry, i ll talk to her...."

Just then a maid enters the scene announcing that nazia begum wants to meet them....

Nazia enters,"aadhab! hope i have not interwined " they just nod in a no......

The emperor says,"nothing like that nazia....u come and sit next to ruqaiya...."

Nazia comes and sits next to ruqaiya and side hugs her and ruqaiya too reciprocated....

Ruqaiya looks forward to nazia who starts, " I have come here to meet you.... If not this time then I would never be able to ask you.... "
"Ask me what? " She said.
"A promise! " Replied nazia with hoping eyes....
Ruqaiya's eyes widens....
She continues, " I know what happens during the delivery of a child.... It's not sure of who would survive or not...... So, if something like this would happen to me, then I want you to take my child..... Give him/ her the best of life as if it's your own child..... "
Hamida says, "I pray to God that such an incident be not repeated hereafter..... "
Nazia says, " Without doubt whatever happens, it is with the will of Allah, that's why ammi jaan.... I entrust the child in my womb to the mighty Allah and then to mallika-e-hind! "
Ruqaiya keeps her hand on hers and smiles... Giving a positive response. ....

And then she leaves and the trio looks on.....

*in ruqaiya's chamber*
A baby was crying in the cradle..... And a lady comes and takes it in her embrace..... Sits in the couch making the baby quiet..... The lady is revealed to be ruqaiya herself..... She is singing to the baby in her sweet voice along with a baby bump.....
" Ruqaiya begum!!! Ruqaiya begum!!!? "
A voice which was familiar to her was heard and she opened her eyes from the dream she was seeing.....!
It was gul' s voice.....
She continued, " Begum sahiba, u and ur morning sickness does not have a limit...... It's time for fajr... "
Ruqaiya gets up and starts to think and keeps her hand on her stomach..... Thinking to herself, " Ya rab!! I believe u have planned better for me..... And i also believe u will give the strength to overcome this also.... "

She finished her morning prayers and chaos was heard outside and looks at the direction......

Hello guys.... It's been so long...... Due to my poor health I have been not able to give you all an update.... So here you go....i know it was a boring part..... But gear up for the upcoming track.... U all will like it......
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Until then,

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