Chapter 2: More to the Story

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(Honestly, this was more chaotic than I thought it was initially. On one hand, it is more fun to write chaotic scenes, but on the other hand, the scene should be detailed. That and trying to get everyone where they need to be. Well, it will work itself out! Enjoy!)

          Malleus only sighed at his fellow dormmates who were still arguing with each other. He then laughed when their arguments s got louder with everyone looking at the prince.

"What's so funny, lizard?!" Leona growled as he held a fist up.

"Well, lately, whenever we are gathered, we only yell and get into arguments. This is not a terrible outcome since it is different from the consistent ones we normally have" Malleus answered with a grin, "Don't you agree?"

To be honest, none of them could really lie about that. Their meetings used to be boring and repetitive with the plans of upcoming events. True, they were in life and death situations from each other and some still hold petty grudges. In the end, they do share some care for each other.

"Well, I suppose so" Azul confessed first before placing a hand over his chest, "Because we have been in dangerous situations and created wonderful bonds that will carry us farther in life!"

Jamil only glared with Kalim clapping his hands in agreement. Vil flipped his hair over his shoulder before standing next to a shaking Idia with a grin of his own.

"In a way, he is correct" Vil spoke in an honest manner, "If I hadn't met any of you, I would be bored and make simple, repetitive movies and shows. Thanks to our interactions, it is a wonder that I was able to create such wonderful works of art"

"And still lose to Neige" Leona jabbed as Vil's expression cracked with Idia snickering.

Vil slowly turned to Leona, adjusted his cuffs on his shirt, drew his magic pen, and cast fire towards the beastman! Idia let out a shriek as Leona's expression held a determined, excited one. He drew his pen and cast a wall of vines to protect himself. Idia quickly took cover by hiding behind Malleus who only laughed at their fight.

"Come now, must we act like this?" Azul spoke with a shake of his head, "We've already fought and even worked together. There should be no reason for us to fight"

Jamil thought about it, shrugged, drew his pen, and pointed it at Azul, "No, not really"

"Are you still not over it?" Azul asked as he reached for his pen and sighed with Kalim worried as he stood between them.

"Nope! Now, I plan to serve octopus!" Jamil shouted as he cast a dark neutral magic towards Azul!

Azul created a barrier of water in front of himself for protection with Kalim shouting in panic to then wrapping his arms around Jamil to try and stop him from fighting with Azul!

"This is truly a riot!" Malleus laughed as he slammed his hand on the desk to then breaking it in a few strikes with Idia screaming and taking cover.

"Why can't we ever have a normal meeting?! Why?!" Idia screamed and groaned at them in an annoyed manner, "Most high schools only have dramas over petty misunderstandings and families?! Why can't we have that?!"

There was only one student who walked in the center of the Mirror Chamber with his pen transforming into a staff. Fire gathered to the tip of it before he spun it and slammed it in the ground to use the fire burn everyone away from each other!

"Riddle?" Idia asked surprised as stared at the smallest dorm leader.

Riddle took a deep breath and tried to keep his raging temper in check before even speaking a single word.

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