Chapter 4: Clashing of Couples

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(And who doesn't love a good old-fashion fight scene?! I love it! Anyway, that is why I still watch RWBY and Kingsman. I love how they choreograph the fights. It is so detailed and well done! Enjoy!)

                 Azul and Riddle were panting, feeling the exhaustion of using their magic to not harm her. Ace fell with a thud as Deuce was taking another blow from her. Jamil swung his pen to cast fire magic in hopes of weakening her, but he ended up attacking another water illusion! Possessed Mari appeared behind him to use her unique magic to freeze him in place! Jamil could feel his blood turn cold as he struggled to move! Possessed Mari let the darkness wrap itself around Jamil, trying to take him as another vessel.

"Jamil!" Najma shouted as Ace jumped to hold her back.

"Unhand him!" Riddle declared as Azul sighed and tried another approach, a reckless one the freshman would only dare to try.

He lunged at her while casting a wave of water to push Jamil away from the darkness! Jamil gasped as he caught Azul's rarely desperate expression before crashing into the floor, drenched. Deuce quickly pulled the sophomore back as Azul ran through the darkness to find himself standing in the vortex and staring at his beloved Aquamarine who was covered in darkness.

"Azul!" Riddle exclaimed as he prepared to charge in only to be pulled by Deuce.

Deuce held a worried expression as well as a pained one. Riddle glanced to Ace who was barely standing. He let go of Najma who cared for her elder brother. Riddle couldn't leave them in this current state. He's the only one was magic and could at least drive back Darkness Aquamarine if she takes out Azul. He held his scepter out and stood in front of everyone, ready to protect them with everything he has.

"Azul, please do not do anything reckless" Riddle whispered, "I know you care for her and she cares for you. She wouldn't want you to lose to the darkness"

Azul's gray eyes shined with understanding from his friend as he found himself facing the dancer who managed to capture his admiration and heart oh so easily. She stood there, perfectly calm and composed. Internally, she was too weak to fight back anymore. The darkness seemed to have cut her connection to her light magic. She could only weakly stare as she hoped her eyes conveyed the truth to him.

"Please", she yearned quietly, "You were able to hear my voice before... Hear me again.... I know you can, Azul"

He stared at her eyes. He knew the eyes always gave away a person. That's the first rule in business after all. Contemplating his next move, he held his hand out to her.

"If she's truly there, then please release her" he bargained while using his other hand to adjust his mask, "And if you want, you can take me as a vessel or all of them behind me. I am sure that would satisfy you, Rollo"

Bargaining was always Azul's strong points, and he was sure he could gain something out of this. Whether it would be her safety or a way to ensure of it, he would try and find the answer for it. He wanted to know Rollo's purpose in this as well. There must be a reason for it. If the reason is revenge, then he would put it to an end by his hands.

The Possessed Aquamarine stared at the hand before reaching out, deciding to claim Azul as a potential vessel for the curse. That was until the real Aquamarine regained control of her body for a moment and ripped her hand back before taking Azul's!

"Aquamarine!" Azul shouted as he reached out to her.

She opened her eyes to use her unique magic to freeze his blood and any movement to prevent him from coming closer. He could only stare at her in disbelief as she was able to hold the bright, reassuring smile she gained from her years of work and performing. It was a smile that reassured him that the lovely lady he had fallen for was still there and fighting with everything she had to ensure that she wouldn't be taken over as well as to save him and their friends.

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