Chapter 10: He's not Alone Anymore!

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(And thank you for letting me write this self-indulgent story with my Ocs! Now, Rollo is about to be friends with these insane students whether he likes it or not! I do hope you enjoy it this! It was a lot of fun! Without further ado, enjoy!)

          Well, she sorts of had an idea. Yuu ran up the stairs as fast as she could. She panted and felt the wind blowing in her hair as she tried to avoid the fiery spells from the cursed Rollo. She let out a scream as a ball of fire flew pass her and struck the tower's wall! She stopped to avoid running into the fire.

"Maiden!" the cursed Rollo's voice declared as she looked around and ran through another path to find herself outside!

She looked over the edge and gulped at the distance. This was going to be a huge risk if she didn't time this right nor think this through. She could hear people fleeing from the first floor. She sighed in relief, because that meant her friends were safe and they would be able to stop this curse.

"There you are, maiden" the curse answered firmly as he pointed his staff her, "I still cannot fathom how you were able to ruin my plans!"

"Rollo listen to me" Yuu reasoned as she held her hands up, "You are still under the influence of the curse. If you don't, then you will lose yourself to it!"

"And yet I plan to spread my curse and bring it upon others! There is no one who will be able to stop me!" the cursed Rollo countered as Yuu sighed internally, "And with my curse in place, everyone will be under my control!"

So much for trying to talk things through. She took a step back as he took one forward. She gasped when she found herself at the edge. She nervously looked over her shoulders to see her friends together but again, the distance is what scared her. It was then that the cursed Rollo rushed up to her and gripped her wrist tightly.

"Listen well, maiden" the cursed Rollo snapped, "If you do not surrender, then I'll take your vessel by force!"

Well, that's an ultimatum. Huh, her freshmen squad really rubbed off on her, haven't they? She looked over her shoulder and saw Malleus with their friends. Yes, her freshmen friends have rubbed off on her deeply. Suddenly, she felt a hand holding her other wrist and making her look up at him.

"Is that you, Yuu?" Rollo asked in a strained voice, "Please, I require some assistance with sealing this curse. It is too much to bare"

That was it! The last part to finish off this curse! Without hesitating, she grabbed his hand! He was caught off guard as she then delivered a punch at his face to render him in a dizzy manner who cried out in pain!

"Deuce! That's Yuu!" Epel shouted as he pointed to her when they heard the yell.

"But what is she doing?" Deuce asked as he adjusted his mask.

"If I know us, something reckless" Najma answered as Jamil groaned at that.

The curse could barely take control of Rollo and tried to pull his hands from her, but he lost consciousness. With a grin and deep breath, she jumped and fell off the tower with him! Yuu felt the rushing wind blowing through her hair as she silently screamed while holding Rollo!

"YUU!" Ace, Deuce, Epel, and Najma shouted in disbelief as Malleus spread his wings and flew upward.

He easily caught her and the unconscious Rollo while he hovered in the air. Yuu opened her eyes with a grin as she looked up at Malleus.

"Must you be reckless?" he asked with a shake of his head as he leaned his head against hers.

"I knew you would save me" Yuu answered simply as she let him hold her close.

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