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After dinner, the atmosphere grew noticeably quieter as Alexia remained unusually reserved. She only spoke when spoken to, a stark contrast to her normally vibrant and engaging self.

Taylor could sense that something was deeply troubling Alexia, despite her attempts to conceal her pain through acting. As they bid farewell to Taylor's family, the two of them walked out to the driveway where their car awaited.

With the car keys clutched tightly in her hand, Alexia took a deep breath, her voice sounding drained and on the verge of tears. "Taylor... Can you drive, please?" Alexia muttered, her plea laced with exhaustion.

Taylor nodded understandingly, gently taking the keys from Alexia's hand. Opening the passenger door for her, she watched as Alexia climbed into the car. Taylor then made her way around to the driver's side, starting the engine and carefully backing out of the driveway.

For the next five minutes, an eerie silence hung in the air. Taylor occasionally glanced at Alexia, who sat upright with impeccable posture, gazing lifelessly at the road ahead.

Taylor had never witnessed such a vacant expression on someone's face, and it deeply concerned her. From the moment they had stepped outside her mother's house, the facade that had shielded Alexia's pain had crumbled, leaving behind a raw and vulnerable state.

Unable to bear the sight any longer, Taylor reached over and placed a gentle hand on Alexia's thigh, rubbing soothing circles on her soft skin. It was a small act of comfort, but Taylor hoped it would provide some solace to her girlfriend.

Alexia understood that Taylor was fully aware of her emotional turmoil. The fear of breaking down into tears prevented Alexia from finding the words to express her pain, trapping her in a suffocating silence.

Expressing her support and love, Alexia covered Taylor's hand with her own, exerting a slight squeeze to reassure her. It was a subtle gesture, conveying that although she couldn't find the strength to speak, she was still present and hanging on.

After a long, tense and silent car ride, Taylor parked their vehicle in the driveway of their Nashville home. Alexia, clearly upset, abruptly threw open the car door and stomped towards the front entrance. It was an unspoken rule between them that when one of them drove, they would open the door for the other, as both of them often wanted to do it for each other, effectively solving that issue.

Taking a moment to compose herself, Taylor took a deep breath and stepped out of the car. She followed Alexia to the front door, where she stood with her arms crossed, clearly expecting Taylor to open it, since she didn't have the key.

Taylor unlocked the door and pushed it open, gesturing for Alexia to enter first. However, her stoic expression remained unchanged as she walked into the house without uttering a single word.

"Lex?" Taylor called out, her voice echoing through the foyer. Alexia was already halfway up the stairs, seemingly determined to avoid any conversation about what had just occurred. Taylor felt confused and concerned. Had she done something wrong? She couldn't understand why Alexia was behaving this way.

But Alexia didn't turn her head or respond in any way. She simply waved dismissively in Taylor's direction before disappearing into their room.

Taylor let out a sigh. She wasn't necessarily hurt, but more worried about Alexia's sudden withdrawal. It was unlike her to shut down and ignore Taylor's attempts to communicate.

Slipping off her high heels and hanging her coat on the rack near the door, Taylor decided to follow Alexia upstairs. When she reached their bedroom, she noticed that the door was slightly ajar. Taylor gently pushed it open, allowing herself to enter.

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