Twenty seven

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After a whirlwind of shows, Taylor and Alexia finally had a brief break in their hectic schedules, finding themselves back home in New York for a couple of days.

During this time, Alexia had taken on the challenge of cooking comfort meals for Taylor, despite her lack of culinary skills. Taylor had been working hard in therapy, striving to overcome her struggles with food and regain a healthy relationship with eating.

Over the past few weeks, she had made progress by pushing herself to consume at least one meal each day. The control she once found in starving herself became a twisted sense of satisfaction, but she was determined to overcome it once and for all.

As they both made the bed together, a daily routine they enjoyed doing as a couple, Alexia turned to Taylor and asked, "Do you have any requests for breakfast this morning?"

Taylor's voice carried a hint of guilt as she responded, "Hmm, I don't know, baby..." Her desire to eat was overshadowed by the lingering doubts in her mind.

Understanding Taylor's patterns, Alexia nodded empathetically and opted for a compromise. "It's alright. How about a glass of orange juice or coffee?" she proposed as they made their way downstairs.

"Okay, I can do that. I'll have some coffee," Taylor replied, a faint smile gracing her face.


Once in the kitchen, Alexia situated herself next to the coffee maker on the counter, preparing a pot of coffee. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the room, mingling with the warmth of their love. Alexia turned around, taking in Taylor's disheveled bedhead and couldn't help but express her adoration.

"You're so beautiful, have I ever told you that?" Alexia said sweetly, brushing a stray piece of Taylor's bangs behind her ear.

Blushing, Taylor smiled sheepishly. "Only a few times every day," she giggled, feeling the rush of affection that always accompanied Alexia's loving words.

"Hmm, not enough then," Alexia replied playfully, leaning in to press a tender kiss on Taylor's lips, followed by a trail of light kisses across her face. Finally, she placed a gentle kiss on the top of Taylor's nose, scrunching her own nose in a playful manner. With a contented sigh, Alexia turned on her heels, returning to the counter to pour coffee into two mugs.

As she poured, Alexia asked, "Cream and sugar?" preparing the coffee according to Taylor's preferences.

Still taken aback by the affectionate moments they had shared, Taylor responded, "Just one sugar, please."

Humming in acknowledgment, Alexia turned back around, handing Taylor her perfectly brewed coffee after adding the sugar. "Thank you," Taylor murmured gratefully, cradling the warm mug in her hands. She took a tentative sip, feeling the soothing liquid glide down her throat.

Alexia gracefully walked out to the balcony, her silky hair flowing behind her as she savored the morning air and sipped her coffee.

Taylor followed closely behind, unable to help but admire how effortlessly beautiful Alexia always looked. No matter how disheveled Taylor felt in the mornings, Alexia always seemed to look like she just stepped off a runway.

As they settled into the comfortable lounge furniture, Alexia turned to Taylor and asked curiously, "You have a session with Elyse later, right?" she asked, referring to their therapist.

"Yeah, I switched my appointment to today since we're home. It's nice not having to do it online during the plane ride," Taylor replied, the chill of the morning made her pull her cardigan tighter around her body, a sign that fall was creeping closer since it was already early October.

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