Neko #1

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3rd POV

The black haired girl sighs wishing she had a good life instead of having to deal with abuse. Her "dad" keeps hitting her with a whip while she pleads in her mind he will just stop. The small teen whos name is Y/n is sick and tired of her life. The dad keeps hitting the child for awhile until after two hours he finlly stops and leaves her on the floor. Y/n gets up and goes off to her room to heal herself. The thing is being a neku, your granted to have a few abilities. First, you can change into a cat. Second, you can grow claws. Third, You have hightened sences, and fourth, you have an extra life.

Since regular cats have nine lives. Nekus get an extra life since there part cat. Nekus also get tired easily. which can be a good thing and a bad thing. Y/n's "dad" has already taken her first life. He's abused the girl until he took her first life by killing Y/n. That has left Y/n traumatized badly. But I can't say she has trust issues, because she doesn't. She's too naive for her own good. She believes anything she is told. Including if she told a soul about anything he has done to her, he will kill her again. So the poor girl has lived in fear her whole life. But it's sad that she's such a beauty. Y/n has pitch black hair, and beautiful dull purple eyes. It's not common to have purple eyes. That's why she's pretty and special.

The girl goes down the stairs into the basement which is her "room". She goes into a corner with a med kit and patched herself up. That's right, she lives in a basement. With rats and cockroaches. She minds them, a lot. It truly sucks to live in a basement. The black haired girl only has a blanket and medkit down there. That's all they gave her. She would have to wash herself in the river next door. They lived in a neighborhood but sadly, no one questioned it. They just assumed she was a pet to be washed. Y/n's life is truly sad. As she was cleaning herself up, she couldn't stop thinking about what her "mom" had said to her.

"Your going to school tomorrow. Don't tell anyone what you've been through. Hell, pretend to be mute."

So that's what she is going to do. Pretend to be mute. Just to make her "mom" happy. But we all know that's not going to make her happy considering she despises the girl. The two grown ups are planning to adopt her just so they could have a slave to do their bidding. The girl would have to wash in the river tonight to get cleaned up for school. Y/n has been homeschooled her whole life and she's decently smart. But not smart enough to be first in every subject. but at least top twenty or even ten if she really tries hard. The black haired girl is terrified for school. She recently found out she's gonna be the only neku in the school. The girl heard her parents talk about it.

The parents had said they hoped she got picked on and they had purposely chosen a school with no nekus. That had broken her heart even more knowing they hate her that much. How can people see that they are perfect? There like devils from hell in her eyes. The girl used to have two pairs of clothes. But her parents actually bought her fourteen more pairs for each day of the week. For winter and summer. She was so thankful that day they gave her new clothes that she actually cried for two hours straight. After the girl had finished bandaging herself up, she grabbed a small towel and headed to the river to wash herself.

She had quickly finished doing her business and got dressed. Y/n headed back and went to bed thinkng about the next day and how she was dreading it. But before she went to bed, she had transformed into her cat form to scare the rats and to blend in with the pitch black basement.


Your POV

I woke up and quickly got dressed and went upstairs to make my parents breakfast. I maybe only fifteen but I can almost cook everything. I am a master cooking so I had never got beaten because of my cooking. Mostly because I was late or disrespectful. I then hurried out the front door to walk to school. I have to walk a mile from the house to my destination because I dont have a bike or any ride. I can't afford a bus or taxi so walking is my only option. I don't even have a phone because my parents never bothered to get me one since I was a slave.

I took in my surroundings and tried to remember them if I had ever gotten lost. Once I made it I immedietly went inside to my class room. I had remembered my whole schedule just to be sure. Even though I knew my homeroom number, I didn't exactly know where it was, so I was at least ten minutes late. Once I had found it I knocked and waited. The teacher somehow knew it was me and introduced me as the new student and to be very nice and careful around me. Everyone nodded quietly. Soon the teacher had said to come in. So I took a deep breath and opened the door.

I walked in, and heard a lot of gasps. "Your so adorable!!!!" I heard one girl shout at me. That caused my ear to twitch and go down a little since I don't like yelling. The teacher had said to introduce myself but I just started at her shaking my head. She said it was alright and said to sit next to a Luke. This Luke raised his hand and I started walking forward with my tail swishing back and forth. I could tell almost the whole class was looking at my tail and so I stopped moving it and made it sit still. I sat beside Luke and layed my head against the desk wishing this day could end right now.

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