Neko #7

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Kyle reassured me. I was clutching Lukes arm very hard. Luke kept petting me, trying to calm me down. It sort of worked. I wasn't holding him as hard as before, but still very tight. My ears were down because of the pain I was feeling. I opened my mouth and my fangs popped out. I bit Lukes shirt. "Woah, darling. Be careful." Kael had said to me kind of worried for his friend and me. I opened my eyes and realized what I was doing. I quickly let go of Luke and stopped biting him. "Sorry..." I apologized to Luke. "There's no need to be sorry darling!" Luke had said and glared at Kael. Kael just gave him a sheepish smile. I started to clutch my stumach very tightly.

"Evan! Hurry up with the food!!!" Jake had yelled out. Not even 5 seconds later, Evan came back with the food he made me. He walked up to me with a bowel of some type of liquid. "Darling, can you eat this for me?" Evan had said to me very gently. I looked at the liquid and it looked disgusting. "what is that...?" I had asked very quietly. "You don't know what soup is?" Kyle asked, watching the whole interaction. I shook my head no. "it's yummy though! See?" Evan had then taken a bite of this "soup". He then smiled at me and jestured for me to try it. I just stared at it. "It'll get rid of the pain your feeling!" Luke had exclaimed. I looked at him and then back at the soup. I had hesitantly nodded my head to Evan.

I reached my hand to grab the silver thing but then I realized something and stopped my hand. What day is it? What about my parents? "I need to go home..." I muttered. Before anyone could react, I had transformed and ran away with a hurt stumach. I knew the doors that were around me were probably locked. So I did the only thing I could do at that moment, I jumped through and broke a window. I ran as fast as I could to my home. But I didn't know where I was. So I randomly went into a direction that I felt was right. After about, 20 minutes I finally recognized my surroundings. I ran into the direction my home was. I looked behind me to see if anything was following me. I didn't see anything or anyone thankfully.

I finally made it to my house, I detransformed and knocked on the doorbell. I hung my head down, waiting. "Who the fuck is it?" My father harshly said and opened the door. "You..!!!" He yelled in my face. He then grabbed my wrist very hard and slammed the door behind me. He dragged me into the basement. "Why weren't you home yesterday?!! Where were you?!!!" He screamed at me. Before I could even respond, he threw me down the stairs. That's gonna leave some big bruises. I stayed down on the floor, knowing if I got up, it would make him angrier. I looked up at him with my innocent eyes, praying that somehow, I could change his mind. It didn't work.

He walked away for a few minutes, when he got back, He had a whip and some other torture tools with him. I could feel my eyes grow into slits. "What the fuck is wrong with your eyes?!" He looked at me. I didn't respond to him. "speak damn it!!" He yelled and threw the whip at me. It hit me square in the arm. I then let out a sudden hiss at him. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!!!" He yelled at me again. I transformed and ran back up the stairs. I then felt his hand grab my tail. I let out a pained scream. As he grabbed me, I had scratched him, hard and deep in the arm. He then threw me to the wall. I detransformed because of the force. Now there wasn't just my blood on the floor and walls, there was his blood to. I am absolutely terrified of blood. The sight of it makes me sick. I layed down on the ground and stayed still.

Farther asked me another question which made my blood run cold. "Whose clothes are those?" I felt my eyes grow big. How could I forget? "Did you tell people what we did to you?" I quickly got up and shaked my head right to left as fast as I could. "How am I surpose to believe you?" He asked uncomfortably calmly. "I'll make sure you'll never leave this house again..." He whispered as he started walking to me. Before I could react, everything went black.


I woke up, in a cage, with my cat form. Had I become to exausted that I became a cat? Even if I wanted to detransform, I couldn't, the cage was to small. I looked around, I was still in the basement. Why didn't he kill me? I thought he wanted to kill me? What am I surpose to do now? Just lay here? I guess I will. I felt pain everywhere on my body. Now I wish I hadn't run off from the guys. I thought of how they touched and hugged me. Before I really like how they petted and hugged me, I would feel warmth. But now that I think about it, now I just feel scared of being touched. Did Father give me something to make me feel this way? I hate my life. I stayed still and just layed in the cage waiting for mother or father to come and kill me already.

After about an hour later, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I saw feet in front of me. I couldn't even move because of the pain. They then kicked the cage. I felt my body go against the cage bars. All my scars and bruises against the cage bars felt like I was being impaled everywhere. I slowly lifted my head up and saw Mother standing there with a disgusted face. "You look like some rotting animal." She had said to me. But then she opened the cage suddenly. I couldn't move, that means I couldn't get out of the cage even if I wanted to. But then she laughed and closed the cage again. I then realized she was taunting me. She knew I couldn't move.

"Hah!! You should've seen your face!!" She said as she wiped an imaginary tear away. She kicked the cage one last time before walking away and up the stairs. Thank goodness that women is stupid. She left the cage unlocked. She just closed it, not locked it. I tried getting up on all fours but I just ended up falling. I dragged myself out of the cage and detransformed. I looked at my body and found all sorts of injuries on me. It wasn't pretty at all. I dragged myself into a dark corner of the room Incase those excuses of parents came back. Once I had enough stamina, I stood up and transformed again. I was going to break another window. I took a running start, I ran as fast as I can and broke through the window. I ran with all my might without looking back.

Once I thought I was far enough, I collapsed into a random bush. I was to tired and weak to care that it was raining right now. I was glad I got away. I want to go back to Luke, Evan, Kyle, Kael, and Jake. But, they're pretty touchy. I don't feel like getting touched. I was scared of getting touched. I never felt this way before. I was bleeding all over because of Father and the glass of the window I broke. I had felt my eyes close and My ears and tail slowly go down beside me. Is this it? Am I going to die? Again? I then caught a glimps of a similar smell. Luke!! My whole body immediately went up, ignoring the pain. I came out of the bush and spotted The five boys across the street. I don't know if luck is on my side or not. I quickly got up and sprinted across the street.

A car had barely missed me on the road. I sprinted to them and soon slowed down. I walked to One of them and cuddle their legs. They all stopped walking and looked down. "Y/n???" Kael had said in shock. I looked up at them. I felt so happy to see them. But I saw horror on there faces. "What happened to you?! You're covered in blood?!"

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