Neko #6

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Y/ns POV

I woke up not remembering anything. Where am I? Why am I on such a comfy thing? I tried moving, but something was on my ankle preventing me from moving. It was a chain... I tried to transform, so that I could just slip my paw from the chain, but then the  chain just shrunk with my transformation. I detransformed and looked at my surroundings. I looked out the window and saw complete forest. It was quite pretty. I looked up, feeling watched. I saw a square thingy with a blinking light. I tilted my head at it. But then I realized I was wearing something different. I looked down and saw that I was in a big T-shirt, and some shorts. Who changed me? Although I could not lie, these were very comfortable.

I looked to my right and saw a door. I tried to walk to it, but ended up falling because of the chain, I had forgotten was attached to me. I got up, and looked to my left, and saw a big rectangle thingy. Thankfully the chains were long enough, so that I could walk up to it. I saw two door handle things. I pulled one of them and saw nothing, but blankets and soft things. I didn't know what any of these were. So I grabbed a big square blanket. It was really soft and comfy. I grabbed all the things I thought would be comfy, and put them on the comfy thing earlier. But then the chain suddenly snapped off. I looked down at it, and picked it up. I put it by the bed, and decided to at least see what's behind the door from earlier. I tried to open it, but it was stuck. I walked back, and tried to open the window to see if it was stuck to. It was stuck, like the door. I decided to just change into my cat form and sleep on the soft things I gathered earlier.

Lukes POV

I cant believe it, Y/n was finally ours! I know I said tomorrow, but she looked so broken when she cried and started to have a panic attack. I couldn't handle it. So I gave a sleeping drug to Jake, and now, she's here!! We all watched as she just explored the room. We had bought one of those neko chains, since nekos are considered slaves, people made up a chain, that even if the neko transforms, the chain will still fit around them. But when Y/n found out about this, she didnt look scared or nervous, but instead she looked curious. She was so cute when she tilted her head to the camera. I wonder if she even knew what a camera was.

Y/n opened the closet and found the stash of soft things Evan put there. "Hah!! I knew she would like them!!!" Evan cried out as we watched Y/n pull soemthing out of the closet. "Do you think we could get the chain off of her?" Kyle asked. "What if she tries to escape?" Jake asked. "She won't be able to." I responded. "We can easily track her if she does manage to escape." I again, exclaimed. "Well, okay." Jake shrugged and pressed a button. The chain fell off of her. She surprisingly just set beside the bed. But what made all of us nervous was that she tried to open the door and window.

But thankfully she only tried once. Which proves that she doesn't totally want to leave. What made us all deadpan was that she just fell asleep on the bed in her cat form. I swear, I could just cuddle her from day, to night, and not want to let go. We all decided to go, and get her, since she was asleep. We walked down our mansion, and into our darlings room. This room is just temporary, we are setting up an even better room, so that everything's soft and comfortable for her. We carefully opened the door, and I walked forward, scooped her up, and we started to go downstairs into the living room.


Y/ns POV

I woke up feeling someone stroking my ears. I immediately jolted up and fell onto the ground. I detransformed, and looked up, finding Luke, Jake, Kyle, Kael, and Evan all staring at me. "Are you ok darling..?" Luke broke the silence. I looked at him, and tilted my head to the side to signal my confusion. "Ah, you look confused. We brought you here!!" Evan said enthusiastically. "Why..?" I asked them. Were they the ones who put a chain on me? "Because we love you with all our heart." Kyle responded. My heart pounded a little. I didn't know why. "What does love mean?" I asked. I saw all the  color drain from their faces. "You don't know what love is..?" Kael asked. I shooked my head no. "well, love is where you care for someone a lot, and you would do anything for them."

oh, then I love them to. "I love you guys then." I saw all their cheeks go bright red. "Can I please continue petting you?"  Luke asked. I nodded and stood up from where I was sitting. I walked towards him, and as soon as I was a foot away, he grabbed me and put me on his lap. He made sure I was comfortable and then started to stroke my ears. I closed my eyes and laid my head on his chest. I didn't feel as tired as before, but I could still sleep. But then I got a nasty feeling in my stumach. I dug my head into his neck and grumbled. "Are you okay darling?" Luke asked me. "no..My stumach hurts." I responded back to him. "You might be hungry then.." Luke claimed. "I'll go make her something!!!" Evan pitched in. I turned my head to him, but he was already gone. I started to squeeze Luke because of the pain. "It's okay darling." Kyle reassured me.

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