Colonel Brynner Comes Back...

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(3rd POV....)

Arlo and Tim Mason stand up and start walking after Mason got his leg checked which made Mason walk with a limp, "You know, we saved half a million people from a full- body peel," Arlo started saying, proudly. Mason chuckles. "We're the shit. Big time." Arlo finished saying with a proud smile. "They aren't exactly gonna publicize this, Arlo." Mason scoffed.

They stopped walking, "Hey, hey, hey. We are heroes, my man. It's time to start acting like it." Arlo stated with encouragement. Mason winced with his limp. "Quit limpin' around like that." Arlo complained to Mason. "Excuse me, I got gashed in the leg." Mason complained back. "Always the negative with you." Arlo shook his head.

"Alright gentlemen, we're about done here. Fine job. Thank you." Colonel Vitelli informed then, thanked Arlo and Mason with a handshake. Arlo grins, appreciating the thank you from the colonel as he shakes Mason hands, "Your country and a lot of innocent people in it owe you." Colonel Vitelli said to Mason. "Us. Owe us." Arlo corrected the Colonel. "You did help a little." Mason shrugs a little. 

Arlo gives Mason the side eye. "Who drove the ice cream truck that kept Elvis cool?" Arlo asked, smugly. "Who had to put a gun to your head?" Mason retaliated. "Who put the big hurt on that Army nut job to save your narrow butt?" Arlo retaliated back. "You, Arlo!" Mason shouted. "Hello." Arlo puts his hand around his ear, pretending like he couldn't hear Mason. "You!" Mason shouted again in Arlo's ear.

"Right, you damn skippy," Arlo nodded. "And now I'm both jobless and truckless, in the service of my country, I feel that government owes me a little restitution!" Arlo complained to Colonel Vitelli. "Us. Owes us." Mason corrected Arlo. "I'll handle it from here, sweet dick." Arlo reassured Mason but the sweet dick comment made Mason's eye widened and eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Owes us a little restitution." Arlo said, pointing to himself and Mason. The Colonel chuckles. "We do have to take into consideration that, through your courage and selfless actions, you did save millions of lives." Colonel Vitelli started to say. "Exactly." Arlo agreed. 

"However," Arlo puts his arm around Mason's shoulders and Mason puts his arm around Arlo. "you are also non-enlisted personnel with detailed knowledge of classified secrets falling under the National Security Act. In order to protect those secrets, I am authorized to fine you, imprison you, to take any extreme measures I deem necessary," the Colonel puts on his sunglasses, "Including the permanently extreme." Colonel Vitelli finished with a threatening ton to his voice.

Arlo's smile falls as Mason's jaw drops. The Colonel just stares at them. Arlo gulps, "I'd say we're about even." Arlo changed his mind quickly. "Patriotism is its own reward." Mason nodded at Arlo. "Yeah, I think so too." Arlo agrees. Colonel Vitelli walks away as Mason and Arlo thanked him. 

Mason starts getting mad, "What about all that 'no need to get in the man's face' crap?" Mason asked, gritting his teeth. "I was not in the man's face. I was negotiating." Arlo denied. "That's negotiating? He threatened to kill us." Mason stated. "But he didn't. See, that's negotiation." Arlo grinned. "No, that's bullshit." Mason grinned back, sarcastically.

"Bullshit, yeah." Arlo sighs. Arlo shrugs, "Well, if we're not gonna be famous, at least this'll be a great story to tell some ladies in a bar or somethin'." Arlo grins, cheekily. "Arlo, nobody's gonna believe us," Mason shakes his head, "Nobody's even gonna know this happened, except for the people that were here, the Army, you and me, and...." Mason pointed out but trailed off when two emergency ladies came up to them.

"You shouldn't be walking on that." One of the emergency ladies instructed Mason. "Hello, somebody." Arlo smiles in awe at the ladies while Mason looks at the ladies in awe too. "Heard you saved a lot of lives." The other emergency lady said with charmed smile. "The Army said it was a terrorist bomb." The emergency lady with the braided bun said. 

Mason and Arlo turned and looked at each other with excited grins before, "Oh! I feel faint." Arlo pretended to fall backwards. Both of the emergency ladies runs up to Mason and Arlo and holds onto them, so they won't fall. "Oh, you got me? You got me?" Arlo asked the emergency lady with the ponytail. "I got you." The lady responds back. "Ok, thank you." Arlo thanks her.

Mason and Arlo starts walking with the ladies to make it to the ambulance. Before anyone can say anything, Mason heard a familiar voice calling his name, "Mason!". Mason looks up to see Richard Long, "Doc! Oh my gosh, you're ok." Mason sighs in relief as he hugs Dr. Long. Dr. Long hugs him back. "Where have you been? You literally rushed in and out of the diner so fast, I couldn't even say anything to you." Mason asked, concerned. 

"Hiding, so, Brynner couldn't find me but when I heard from the news of a terrorist bomb explosion in McGruder, I just had to come down to see if you were here and alive." Dr. Long explained, pulling away from the hug. "Well, don't worry because that nut job is gone." Arlo reassured Dr. Long which he nodded a thanks to Arlo. 

Before Mason can say anything else, the sky suddenly started to go dark, making Mason and Arlo look around confused. A red lightening bolt strikes from the sky and in a pile of broken cement that used to be the bridge before it was blown up by the Army. Mason and Arlo looked at each other, scared before looking back at the red lightning still zapping in the pile of broken cement.

Few seconds later and the lighting disappeared into the sky. Everyone looks around in confusion because nothing else is happening. The pile of cement started to rumble and shake including the ground that everyone was standing. Mason and Arlo hold onto each other's arms as everyone else holds onto the closest thing.

Rumbling stops and the cement pieces start moving by itself, splitting in half and releasing a big cloud of black smoke, showing little red lightning bolts in the smoke, that formed a big tornado, blasting strong winds. The tornado started to shape into a person which really confused Mason and Arlo. The storm cloud clears, revealing a giant creature that has giant black bat looking wings, 6 vicious red eyes, skin color so dark that it almost match to the dark sky, when opening his mouth you can see red glowing fangs, and to top it off, his glowing red long claws.

This creature looks down at the people that are staring at him in shock, fear, and terror. "Where are you, Tim Mason and Arlo?"....

 "Where are you, Tim Mason and Arlo?"

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Hope you enjoy!!!

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