Battle Round 2/Ending

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"Well, now this is really funny. You two wanna try to save a country that has done nothing for you." Brynner mocked with a smirk. "Hell yeah, including destroying and killing you!" Mason shouted in confidence. "Oh, that's cute, boy. I would like to see you try and destroy me." Brynner laughed, evilly. "Gladly." Mason and Arlo said in unison. Mason and Arlo let out a battle cry and charged at Brynner.

Mason comes in first, kicking Brynner in the chest then, the face which he succeeded before Brynner landed a couple of hits on Mason which made him back away. Arlo comes to back up Mason, trying to slash Brynner's face and kick him but Brynner dodge those attacks and kicks Arlo back.

Mason summoned some ocean water into his hands, turning them into Twin Sai and charges at Brynner. Mason tries to get a few hits with his Twin Sai but Brynner just dodges and kicks away the Twin Sai from Mason and Mason away from him.

"My turn!" Monster Brynner grinned, excitedly. Brynner extended his red claws and slashed Mason and Arlo multiple time, making Arlo and Mason scream in agony. Brynner slashed them one time, making them fly back. Mason and Arlo screamed as they shrinked and turned back to humans.

Mason and Arlo land hard on the dry grass mountain and rolls back. Mason and Arlo hissed in pain as they stopped rolling, "Mason, Arlo are you two ok?!" Dr. Long asked them, distressed and worried. "Yeah, we're fine." Mason pants. Mason and Arlo noticed something fall from their necks. They look down, seeing their shark and snake necklaces broken in half.

"No!" Mason and Arlo cried out, seeing their broken necklaces. "Well, well, look at you two, so pathetic and weak! What are you two gonna do now without no powers!" Brynner mocked them with a laugh. Arlo glares at the monster as Mason growls.......


(3rd POV....)

"No!" Mason and Arlo cried out, seeing their broken necklaces. "Well, well, look at you two, so pathetic and weak! What are you two gonna do now without no powers!" Brynner mocked them with a laugh. Arlo glares at the monster as Mason growls. Mason and Arlo felt a power surge through them which made their eyes glow but much brighter. 

Mason and Arlo look down as they see their necklaces glow again. Once it stopped glowing, it revealed a swordfish instead of a shark on Mason's necklace and a cheetah instead of a snake on Arlo's necklace, 

 Once it stopped glowing, it revealed a swordfish instead of a shark on Mason's necklace and a cheetah instead of a snake on Arlo's necklace, 

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Mason and Arlo look at their necklaces in awe while picking them up to get a closer look. Mason and Arlo put on their necklaces with grins and stand up which caught Brynner's attention, "You two never seem to give up, do you?" Brynner shakes his head. "We save the world, no matter what!" Mason and Arlo shouted in unison with confident smirks as their eyes are still glowing. 

"Really? This country has done noting for you. They think your worthless!" Brynner shouted back. "They don't think we're worthless, they think we're brave." Mason raises an eyebrow. "Please boy, you guys are jokes!" Brynner chuckles. "You're gonna be the joke once we're done with you." Mason threatened. Brynner lets out a full blown laugh, "You can't defeat me, I'm stronger than you two!" Brynner bragged. 

"You think so. You ready, Arlo?" Mason asked his partner. "Ready as I'll ever be." Arlo replies back. "Lets do it!" Mason and Arlo shouted together as their necklaces and eyes glows brighter before Mason jumps into the ocean and Arlo runs into the giant tree forest again. A blue glow started coming out of the ocean as a green glow started coming out of the trees. The glows started growing out of the trees and ocean and form into a person like shapes.

The glowing from the ocean slowly dimmed down revealing a giant creature with long, stops at the middle of the back, black braided hair with blue little sharp blades like spears/swords, dark blue skin color with white on the stomach, chest, and bottom jaw, gills on the side of the neck, sharp blue teeth, and blue eyes. "With the speed and swords of a swordfish, call me Silver!" Mason called out.

The glowing from the forest slowly dimmed down revealing a giant creature with short, stops on the shoulders, black dreads that fades into a dark green, dark green skin color with black cheetah prints all over his body, green eyes, large sharp green fangs that shows when his mouth opens, and large sharp green claws. "With the speed and claws of a cheetah, call me Chiron!" Arlo called out.

"Just because you two have different forms, doesn't mean anything to me!" Brynner mocked. "Good. Your opinion doesn't matter anyway!" Mason mocked back. Brynner got angry about that comment and ran over to Mason and Arlo to attack them. 

He attacks Mason first, trying to kick Mason in the chest and face but thanks to Mason's fast reflexes, he dodged the hits quickly before he landed a couple of hits on Brynner which made him back away. Arlo comes to back up Mason, slashing Brynner's face and kicking him and succeeds making Brynner cover his face that has just been slashed. 

As Arlo keeps attacking Brynner, Mason summoned some ocean water into his hands, turning them into a sword, "Sword of the Swordfish!" Mason called out, showing the water changing in a long sword and charges at Brynner. Mason gets a few hits with his sword with Arlo getting a few gashes in.

"Enough of this!" Brynner growled, irritated before making his glow red to make his final strike but Mason and Arlo are prepared for this. Brynner did his first claw slash at Mason which he sliced down the middle with his sword. So Brynner did it again to Arlo but Arlo slashed it away.

"Our turn!" Mason and Arlo grinned, excitingly and also mocking what Brynner said earlier. Arlo made his claws glow green and Mason's sword and the little blade like swords in his hair glow blue and started doing a final strike. "We told you, we would defeat you." Mason and Arlo smirked. Brynner only growls, mad before trying to charge at them.

 Mason sliced and Arlo slashed the air towards Brynner which hit him and made him stop and scream in agony. Mason's hair moves up, facing Brynner before the little swords jabs Brynner multiple times in a fast rate which made him scream louder in agony. 

Mason stops and Brynner falls to his knees, electricity coming off of him rapidly. Mason and Arlo turn to not look at Brynner, "Who's the joke now?" Mason and Arlo mocked at the same time. Brynner explodes which deemed him destroyed. Mason went back into the water as Arlo went into the tree forest. 

The green and blue glowing started back up before disappearing. Mason climbs up the mountain, getting to the top while Arlo walks out of the big trees. Everybody starts clapping for Mason and Arlo while skies clear up and turn back to sunshine.

Mason and Arlo smile and laugh while Dr. Long comes up to hug Mason then, Arlo. "You two were amazing." Dr. Long praised. "We weren't that amazing but thank you." Arlo thanked with a smile. Colonel Vitelli comes up to them, "Well, I'm gonna say it again, thanks for saving a lot of innocent people." The Colonel thanked them again. "No problem, Colonel." Mason smiled at him. The Colonel smiles back.

Everybody is still clapping as Mason, Arlo, Dr. Long, and Colonel Vitelli pose for the camera to get their picture taken for the newspaper the next day about Mason and Arlo saving the world from evil.


Hope you enjoy!!!

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