Chapter 7: Wronged

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Chu Xia ignores Hei Gouzi's mother. She shielded Cen Huai'an, turned around, and asked him, "An'an, can you tell Mom what happened?"

When he was dragged over by Hei Gouzi's mother by his collar, his clean and tidy clothes became dirty, his face still had blood marks from being scratched, his eyes were wrapped in tears, and he was stubbornly pursing his lips, dying to keep the tears from falling.

As soon as Chu Xia asked, the tears couldn't be held back any longer. He pointed at Hei Gouzi with a crying voice and anger, saying, "He called me a xiǎo pò làn, a liar, and said my clothes were stolen! I'm not a liar, and I'm not a thief!"

He didn't want to cry; he didn't want to seem weak, so he desperately wiped his face with his hands and turned his head to the side, not wanting others to see him cry.

Chu Xia wraps her arms around him, letting him lie against her, and said to Hei Gouzi's mother, "I believe my son; ask your son if he insulted mine. My son's clothes were bought by me, and he went out to play after having a meal. If your son didn't insult him, he wouldn't have bitten yours."

They all lived in the same residential area; who do not know who. Hei Gouzi's mother was known for spoiling her son excessively.

She was also known for being hot-tempered, and didn't easily back down.

Hearing Chu Xia's words, she pointed at Chu Xia's nose and cursed, "You're so poor; can you keep the money? Can you afford to buy clothes? Cut the crap; I don't care about all that. The fact is,my son was beaten by your son; pay for it!"

"Pay for what?" Chu Xia replied calmly. "I haven't even mentioned the scratches on my son's face. What if his handsome face gets a scar? How much will you compensate for that? And, do you even know how much this outfit my son is wearing cost? Look at this, it's all torn up. It's brand new; how can you pay for it? And as for whether I can hold onto money or not, what's it to you? Are you so eager for my money that you're thinking of stealing it when no one's around? Oh my, our residential complex might have a real thief soon."

Chu Xia pointed at Hei Gouzi's mother in surprise, and the people around them laughed at Hei Gouzi's mother for making a big deal out of it.

Children fighting was normal, as long as there was no malicious intent. Adults usually didn't interfere; otherwise, neighborly relations would be strained.

But Hei Gouzi's mother wasn't one to let things go and insisted on monetary compensation. Both kids were injured, so who should pay who? It's so funny that people are losing teeth!

Hei Gouzi's mother was left embarrassed and angry by Chu Xia's comments and started using foul language and curses.

Dealing with someone like her in a shouting match was impossible; she had become unreasonable.

Chu Xia's face turned pale, and she suddenly covered her chest with one hand. Tears streamed down her face, making her look pitiful and helpless.

"Woo~ You're bullying me too much. My husband is not at home, so you're bullying the mother and child, finding an excuse to extort money. If we don't pay, you resort to name-calling and cursing. Is there no justice left in this world? Zhengnian, you've gone to contribute to the country, but your wife and son are being bullied to death. I'm going to find the head of the labor union, the secretary, and the factory manager. I won't believe there's no one to reason with in the entire Textile Mill No. 3. Woo~"

She sobbed while speaking, and her tears couldn't stop falling. When she looked at the foul-mouthed shrewd opposite her, who insisted on the compensation money, everyone's opinion quickly shifted.

While crying, Chu Xia pulled her son and started to walk downstairs.

The surrounding neighbors quickly stopped her and began to rebuke Hei Gouzi's mother, "Enough is enough! Can't you see you're not acting like a mother? Your language is so offensive, and there are so many children listening!"

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