Chapter 86: Mathematics Competition

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Ye Mengchun looked at Teacher Meng on the platform and quietly reached out to pull the sleeve of Chu Xia.

Chu Xia turned her head to look at her, with a puzzled expression on her face.

Ye Mengchun pointed to her own neck, and Chu Xia immediately understood. She quickly covered her neck with her hand.

She had woken up late today and, in a hurry, forgot to wear a scarf. Moreover, she wasn't wearing a high-necked sweater, so the marks on her neck were undoubtedly visible.

Chu Xia felt her vision darken. Did she really take the bus and run into school with this mark on her neck? She wondered how many people had seen it.

Seeing Chu Xia's unpleasant expression, and her exaggerated movements of covering her neck, Ye Mengchun took off her own scarf, still looking at the blackboard, and stuffed it into Chu Xia's hand.

"You wear mine first." She moved her lips, her voice still emotionless as usual.

Chu Xia took the scarf, gratefully glanced at her, and said, "Thank you," then quickly wrapped it around her own neck.

After class, Yang Jin and others approached Chu Xia and asked, "Why were you almost late today?"

Usually, Chu Xia would arrive at school twenty minutes early every morning. When Yang Jin and her friends entered the classroom, Chu Xia had already saved them seats.

Chu Xia smiled and said, "I accidentally overslept."

Yang Jin and the others didn't delve further; they often overslept too.

At noon, during the dormitory break, Chu Xia changed into a high-necked sweater, put on a scarf, and returned Ye Mengchun's scarf to her.

"Thank you for today."

Ye Mengchun was reading a book. She took the scarf, looked at her book, and without much expression, said, "You've thanked me already."


At night, Chu Xia sat in front of the dressing table for her daily skincare routine, and the marks on her neck were clearly visible.

When Cen Zhengnian walked over, Chu Xia slapped his hand and pointed to the marks on her neck, saying, "Look at what you've done. I told you not to kiss my neck so hard, but you never listen! Do you know how embarrassed I was today?"

Getting angrier as she spoke, Chu Xia pushed him out of the bedroom. "Tonight, you sleep on the sofa."

Cen Zhengnian didn't have a chance to speak and was pushed out.

He looked at the tightly closed door in front of him, chuckled softly, and there was a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

"Chu Xia, there are no blankets outside," he still had a smile on his face, but his tone sounded a bit pitiful.

Chu Xia opened the door and handed him a blanket. "Now you have one."

Then, with a loud "bang," the door closed again.

The sofa was made of mahogany, and because it was winter, Chu Xia had described it to the tailor and made a cotton-filled sofa cushion. Therefore, sleeping on it was a bit cramped, but it wasn't cold when covered with a blanket.

Cen Zhengnian waited at the door for a while, confirmed that Chu Xia wouldn't let him in, sighed, and stood at the door, saying, "Chu Xia, don't be angry. I'll control myself in the future."

The sound of footsteps leaving at the door, Chu Xia covered her head with the blanket. She couldn't afford to be soft-hearted; otherwise, he would be even more presumptuous in bed next time. Cen Zhengnian was the kind of person who would take advantage of any opportunity.

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