Chapter 40: Rain

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Cen Zhengnian's body temperature is higher than hers, the temperature is transmitted from his palm. Chu Xia feels that the back of her hands are warming up along with it.

On an early autumn night with a chill in the air, her body had deficiencies. The problem of cold hands and feet has always existed is more obvious at night. Even if Chu Xia lies in the quilt for a long time she feels that her hands and feet are still cold.

But at this moment, she unexpectedly felt warmth, emanating from the unfamiliar palm, as if it were enveloping her entire body.

She suddenly felt her ears burn a little.

"Chu Xia?"

Chu Xia snapped back to her senses and started to think about Cen Zhengnian's question. She didn't really think about which university to go to. In her mind, as long as she could get into a university, any university with a Traditional Chinese Medicine program would do.

Because she had attended college before and had also studied with her grandfather, she possessed a systematic medical knowledge base. What she lacked was just a diploma and a medical practitioner's license.

However, if she were to take an exam, it would be better to aim for the best university in the field of Traditional Chinese Medicine. After some thought, she said, "I want to apply to the best Traditional Chinese Medicine university."

Cen Zhengnian's tone revealed some surprise: "You want to study medicine?"

"Yes." Chu Xia returned decisively, Cen Zhengnian could hear that she was determined.

"As far as I know, there are only a few medical universities in the capital". He thought for a moment and said, "The best Traditional Chinese Medicine university should be the Imperial Capital College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. I'll help you inquire about their admission score requirements in recent years.

As he speaks, his hand doesn't move away from Chu Xia's hand. The moonlight comes through the window, and Chu Xia looks at Cen Zhengnian's face which is exceptionally good looking under the moonlight, and suddenly has some curiosity about his past life.

"I remember you went to university in the capital, do you still remember life in the capital?"

Cen Zhengnian was actually born in the capital. His father's hometown was in Liangzhou, and his mother's hometown was in the capital.

Cen's father met Jiang Shengnan when he followed the military around to fight in the war. They got married, and after the war's victory, they lived in the capital for a few years.

However, due to transfers, they moved to the northwest, and when Cen Zhengnian went to college only then that they went back to the capital.

After graduating, he returned to the northwest.

Cen Zhengnian's gaze moves away from Chu Xia's face, looks at the moonlight coming through outside and says: "I remember, but it's been many years since I last went back. I imagine there have been many changes."

Speaking of this, Cen Zhengnian suddenly remembered that he was preoccupied with reading and studying at that time, and didn't know too much about his university experience.

But Chu Xia didn't ask him about his university, but asked, "Why did you choose your current major in the first place?"

Cen Zhengnian laughed and said, "Actually, I didn't originally choose my current major, but due to job requirements, I ended up working in this field."

The specific work Cen Zhengnian can't say so he can only say it vaguely like this.

But Chu Xia understands, she expresses her understanding with a "hmm".

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