Chapter 38: Tooth Fillings

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Chu Xia is relieved and says to Cen Zhengnian, "No need to go to the hospital; first get rid of the inflammation. There is no dentist in the hospital at this moment; if you go there, the emergency doctor will also give anti-inflammatory analgesics."

Cen Zhengnian looked at Cen Huai'an's tearful and pitiful face; he really couldn't bear it.

"But he's in severe pain."

She put the torch away and searched for medicines in the drawer where she keeps the usual medicines, saying, "After taking the medicine, it won't hurt anymore."

Chu Xia put away the flashlight and found some medicine in a drawer where she kept commonly used drugs, saying, "Taking the medicine will relieve the pain."

After Cen Huai'an took the medicine, Chu Xia placed a Sichuan peppercorn near the affected area between his teeth for him to bite on.

Sichuan peppercorns contain numbing agents that can provide some pain relief.

Slowly, Cen Huai'an's state began to get better when he completely fell asleep. Only then did Chu Xia and Cen Zhengnian completely let go of their hearts.

Chu Xia and Cen Zhengnian didn't sleep very soundly that night. They woke up several times to check on Cen Huai'an's condition. At one point, they even removed the Sichuan peppercorn from his mouth.

Luckily, Cen Huai'an slept well that night and didn't have any more pain.

Early next morning, Chu Xia asked Cen Huai'an when he woke up, "Do your teeth still hurt?"

He licked his teeth, shook his head, and said, "It doesn't hurt anymore."

Well, the toothache is solved, and then it's time to ask Cen Huai'an why he has a toothache.

In her previous life, Chu Xia was a doctor and placed great importance on Cen Huai'an's oral hygiene. She made sure he rinsed his mouth after meals and sweets, and brushing his teeth in the morning and evening was a must.

If Cen Huai'an had followed her guidelines for dental care, he wouldn't have cavities. He definitely ate sugar secretly behind her back, and he ate quite a lot.

Chu Xia pulled up a stool and sat in front of Cen Huai'an, looking at him with a serious expression.

Cen Huai'an is very sensitive to the emotions of adults; he can feel that his mother is angry, so he subconsciously leaned towards Cen Zhengnian's arms.

Cen Zhengnian was about to speak, but Chu Xia shot him a stern look. She said, "I didn't ask about his toothache last night, but I have to figure out why he has cavities today."

Indeed, a child's health was important, and Cen Zhengnian had to steel himself and not let Cen Huai'an's little face soften his resolve.

"Did you secretly eat the candy yourself? No lying!"

Cen Huai'an still wants to struggle, but when he looks up and meets Chu Xia's stern eyes, he remembers his mother's angry face before, doesn't dare to lie, and gives a small "hmm".

Chu Xia wrinkled her eyebrows and continued, "You saved all your own money, and you haven't exchanged candy with me using the little red flowers; where did you get your candy?"

Cen Huai'an knew that he couldn't hide it anymore; his mother was bound to know how he got the candy today. Although he didn't know what the consequences of telling were, he knew that if he didn't confess, his mom would definitely not let him go.

He agonized for a long time, and Chu Xia kept waiting for him before he finally told him how he won the candy in the preschool and in the family complex.

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