Chapter 121: Movies, Checking Accounts

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Cen Huai'an, during the National Day, visited Factory 774 in the capital city through the connections of Cen Zhengnian. This is the first semiconductor factory established in the capital, and it's rare for high school students like Cen Huai'an to visit regularly.

Here, there are advanced domestic semiconductor research technologies, as well as their own production department. The researchers inside are top talents from various universities.

Of course, the capital city has more than one semiconductor research institute; there's also the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Factory 878.

Cen Huai'an wanted to gain an in-depth understanding of semiconductor knowledge in advance, so he could go anywhere for that purpose.

Cen Zhengnian's friend, who is of similar age, has a square face and looks very upright, appearing older than his actual age. 

When he greeted Cen Huai'an at the entrance, a smile appeared on his face, instantly giving Cen Huai'an a sense of national security and peace.

"Uncle Tong, hello, I'm Cen Huai'an. Thank you for your trouble."

Tong Weiji raised his broad palm and patted Cen Huai'an's seemingly fragile shoulder. His voice was deep and powerful, like a radio host: "No need to be polite. It's rare for Zhengnian to ask me for something."

Tong Weiji led Cen Huai'an inside and explained in advance, "I can't take you to the core technical area, nephew."

That area is confidential, but it's fine for Cen Huai'an to see other parts. Other manufacturers also visit for learning purposes.

Cen Huai'an understood and had no objections.

Looking at Cen Huai'an's sensible and polite appearance, Tong Weiji sighed again, "You really resemble your dad, especially this little adult look, like he carved you out of the same mold."

Cen Huai'an replied, "My mom says the same."

Tong Weiji suddenly burst into laughter, "Haha, you have a more interesting personality than your dad. Do you know how your dad and I met?"

Tong Weiji reminisced about the time he and Cen Zhengnian were in college. They were not in the same major, making it unlikely for them to know each other.

But both he and Cen Zhengnian loved studying and often bumped into each other at the library. Once, when his seat was taken by someone else, and conveniently there was a seat next to Cen Zhengnian, he went over and sat down.

Then they started talking, and because of their shared persistence, they gradually became friends.

"In those days, he went to the northwest, and I stayed in the capital. I regretted it a lot back then. But now that he's back in the capital, we're both busy, and we don't have time to get together. It's been decades in the blink of an eye. Our children are about to go to college, and we're getting old too."

Cen Huai'an looked at him and said, "Uncle, you and my dad are still in your prime, not old."

Tong Weiji's melancholic atmosphere instantly disappeared, and he burst into laughter again.

Next, they were about to enter the work area, and Tong Weiji's expression became serious. He told Cen Huai'an, "There are rules here; you can't make loud noises inside."

Cen Huai'an nodded, indicating that he remembered.

Along the way, Tong Weiji explained various research tools, showcased research results, and showed the work researchers were doing. As long as it didn't involve confidentiality, Tong Weiji would explain it to Cen Huai'an.

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