Chapter 107: Decision

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The Go competition that Cen Huai'an participated in not only included players from the capital city but also from other cities, both amateur and professional. Therefore, the number of participants was considerable, and the competition became more extensive.

The competition followed an elimination format, with double elimination. If a player lost two consecutive rounds, they would be eliminated. 

Unlike ranking and grading matches, this was a nationally renowned event in youth competitions held by a well-known enterprise in the capital city. The ultimate winner would not only receive honor but also a substantial prize.

The competition lasted for three days, and on Monday, Cen Huai'an requested a two-day leave from Teacher Jiang.

After listening to Cen Huai'an's reason for taking leave, Teacher Jiang put down his math book, raised his eyebrows, and looked at Cen Huai'an with surprise.

"The 'Hongsheng Cup' Go competition?"

Cen Huai'an nodded.

"As far as I know, this is one of the more prestigious national Go competitions. Cen Huai'an, how many surprises do you still have that I don't know about?"

Saying this, he signed his name on the leave slip, placed it in front of Cen Huai'an, and gestured for him to sit opposite.

"You have a talent for mathematics, as you should know. If you can participate in the 'Hongsheng Cup' competition, your Go talent is not weak either. However, a person's energy is limited. With your current academic workload and involvement in competitions, adding Go might be overwhelming."

Cen Huai'an nodded in understanding. He knew what the teacher meant. Therefore, during the third year of junior high school, his main focus was on studying and participating in competitions.

"Cen Huai'an, although you are still young, now that you're in the first year of high school, you need to carefully consider whether you want to pursue a path in mathematics, professional Go, or something else. Once you decide, you can allocate your time more reasonably."

When a teacher has been teaching for a long time, they unconsciously consider the students, even if the students may not appreciate it. Teacher Jiang smiled, handed the leave slip to Cen Huai'an, and said, "Go back and think about it yourself."

Since Teacher Jiang started speaking, Cen Huai'an had a thoughtful expression on his face. He hadn't really thought about what he wanted to do in the future; he just found solving math problems and playing Go interesting, so he pursued them.

He took the leave slip, stood up, and sincerely thanked Teacher Jiang.

As Cen Huai'an walked out of Teacher Jiang's office, he was still pondering whether he liked mathematics more or Go more.

It seemed like he enjoyed both, but when it came to a future career, Cen Huai'an felt a bit lost. He didn't know whether he should commit to one path.

However, for now, he had to finish participating in the Go competition. Once started, he couldn't give up halfway. 

Cen Huai'an suppressed these thoughts, slung his backpack over his shoulder, and walked out of the school gate. At the school gate, Zhang Lu held his arm, almost wanting to walk with him.

"Why didn't the teacher agree when I said I wanted to take leave and accompany you?" 

As a student, even with good grades, Zhang Lu preferred days without classes. Skipping a day of school was always a joy.

Cen Huai'an forcefully pulled his arm away, turned to look at Zhang Lu, and said, "Because the teacher saw through the intention behind your leave request."

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