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"Rebecca Mantle," A voice smooth as satin said behind her as she stood waiting for her order at Pop's.

Becca turned around to see none other than Elio Grande leaning casually against the colorful counter with a smirk on his face. His light brown hair was slicked back, and a pressed suit hung on his frame comfortably. He always looked like he was going to a business meeting, wearing nothing less than the most expensive clothes.

Or maybe he was just trying to impress her.

Either way, it wasn't working.

"Hello Elio," Becca greeted back politely, silently hoping Pop would hurry up with her order.

. . .

"Since this is a world history class, I thought it would be beneficial for you all to give presentations on an important aspect of many cultures around the world: mythology. This project will be done in partners, but before you go and pick your best friend, I will be assigning partners and the culture's mythology you will be presenting on. All of the details are in that packet, but if you have questions, come talk to me after class," The woman leaned back against her desk and grabbed a clipboard from behind her.

And then, she realized with stunning clarity, the only two names left in the class.

"Becca and Sweet Pea, Greek mythology."

Mrs. Lincoln began to lecture about something else, due dates for the project perhaps, but all Becca could hear was the roaring of blood in her ears. She didn't even bother to turn around and acknowledge her new partner, she could practically feel Sweet Pea's gaze burning a hole in the back of her head.

So was so screwed.

. . .

"Destroy every single copy," He countered, "And I won't lay a hand on Reggie ever again."

She didn't like the sound of this, but at that point, she figured she'd gotten her point across. If he ended up going back on his promise again, she'd find another, worse, way to punish him.

"Fine," The dark-haired girl spit out, "You have a deal."

Rick gave a curt nod, "Good."

With one last squeeze that had her gasping in pain, he finally let her go. She rubbed at her wrists slightly, knowing that by tomorrow, she'd have matching bruises with Reggie. Still, it was worth it.

As she was about to leave, opening the door to his study, he called out.

"You know Rebecca, I'm impressed," He laughed, as if there was something funny about this whole situation, "I see a lot of myself in you. You've come a long way from the summer, and I know when push comes to'll be just like your old man."

The pride in his voice only disgusted her more and she slammed the door behind her without another word.

. . .

"I guess I'll be 'the High Priestess'," Melinda said reluctantly, flipping the card to read the back.

The High Priestess

" One of the most powerful magic-users in the Kingdom of Eldervair, the High Priestess is a mystery. She can kill just as easily as she can save, and her powerful abilities even allow her to see into the future. But, with all this magic comes a price. She is bound to the Gargoyle King in ancient prophecy, forever running from his nasty gargoyles. Only by a union in matrimony will she be set free. And only with his Queen will the Gargoyle King succeed. "

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