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HER father had been coming back home late every night this week.

That wasn't something unusual, Becca supposed. He worked late most nights, both at the dealership and at his other...occupation.

But what did seem suspicious was the sneaking out part.

Since this last summer, Becca had become a very light sleeper, and even the smallest sounds in the house or outside would wake her up. A couple nights ago, she'd heard shuffling downstairs in the early morning, but she'd chalked it up to Reggie getting a midnight snack. And then the next night, she was awoken by a door opening and closing. Curious, Becca had slipped out of her room and into the kitchen just in time to see Rick Mantle jump into his car and speed away.

She waited for him to return, and just as she was about to nod off back to sleep, his headlights finally lit up their driveway. Becca checked her watch once she was safely back in her room, noting that he'd been gone for almost four hours, from two to six in the morning. At the breakfast table later that day, he seemed normal, chattering away with her mother as he read his copy of the Riverdale Register. But as she studied him discreetly out of the corner of her eyes, she'd noticed the subtle but deep bags under his dark orbs.

He was tired.

Which made him vulnerable...and sloppy.

And Becca was going to find out why.


"Remind me again why I'm up at two am and I'm not even getting laid," Reggie rolled his eyes in Becca's passenger seat, which earned him a light slap on his arm.

"Because," She replied exasperatedly, "Dad is up to something and we need to find out what it is."

"He's always up to something sis," Reggie arched a disbelieving eyebrow at her, a challenging tone in his voice, "What makes this any different?"

"It just doesn't feel right okay!" Becca snapped, her hands on the wheel tightening in response.

The pair were currently sitting in her dark car down by their house's curb, lying in wait for her father to leave at his usual time.

Instantly, the dark-haired girl felt bad for yelling at her brother as she watched him flinch out of the corner of her eye and fall silent. Not for the first time, she felt like she was going crazy, paranoia and guilt eating her alive at every waking moment. It was a wonder she hadn't had a complete nervous breakdown yet, but there was no time for that. Not while her father walked free and Riverdale's streets were flooded with Jingle Jangle.

Becca let out a tired sigh, her fingers relaxing around the wheel of her car.

"I'm sorry," She admitted quietly, not meeting Reggie's probing gaze, "I know this sounds like a wild goose chase, but just...hear me out and let's see where this goes."

Her hazel eyes finally met her brother's own and his lips lifted upwards slightly.

"Let's see where this goes," He echoed softly and then a teasing smirk flitted across his face, "And if it goes nowhere, you owe me a milkshake."

At that, Becca chuckled, holding up her right hand and twisting her middle and index fingers together, "Promise."

Reggie mirrored her action, nodding with confirmation, "Promise."

As soon as silence fell between the two though, a pair of headlights suddenly burst from the end of their driveway. The two Mantles snapped their heads forward and quickly ducked down in Becca's car. Her father's Prius shot past them and as soon as it was down a couple blocks, Becca was quick to switch her gears into drive. She made sure to stay a reasonable distance behind him, even going as far to get lost in late-night traffic a couple of times.

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