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BECCA stayed until closing that night.

She wasn't exactly eager to get back to her grounding, and neither was Reggie. He'd been talking up quite a storm with Veronica, both of them going back and forth about La Bonne Nuit's profits for the night. Becca had never seen him so animated in her life. It was nice to see her brother excited about something other than taking their father down.

All at once, she remembered Elio's confession.

Would have asked for a bigger salary.

La Bonne Nuit was suddenly too hot.

"Hey I'm gonna grab some fresh air," Becca said haphazardly to Veronica and Reggie, already weaving between the empty tables and chairs to the exit.

"Ok, but don't leave! I'll take us home here soon, so we can sneak back in," Reggie called out, throwing a curious glance at Veronica next to him.

The dark-haired girl turned around, giving him a two-fingered salute before heading up the stairs. She'd never seen Pop's like this before, with the lights off and moonlight filtering in from the front windows. Becca made her way behind the counter and through the dark kitchen before finally heaving the back door open. At that moment, all she wanted to do was be alone.

But, of course, she couldn't even have that.

One lone porch-light was lit over the back door and right next to it, leaning up against the brick wall with a cigarette hanging from his lips, was Sweet Pea.

"Oh uh," Becca immediately stopped, blinking at him like a deer caught in the headlights.

She wasn't expecting him to still be here and an awkward silence stretched between the two of them.

"Didn't realize you smoked," She finally spoke up, the tension becoming too uncomfortable for her.

Sweet Pea tilted his head to the side, taking a drag again before replying, "Quit for a while, but now with G&G and being responsible for the Serpents..."

He trailed off, exhaling the smoke in one big puff.

"I suppose I just picked it up again," The tall Serpent answered, shrugging his shoulders while eyeing her carefully.

Becca nodded, the conversation dying once again. She turned, about to go back inside and find somewhere else to hang out. But Sweet Pea's voice interrupted the silence.

"You want some?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

Becca froze, her hand on the door handle, before glancing up at him again. Normally she'd say no and shove open the door, not thinking twice. However, with Elio's confession and her recent rebelliousness against her father...

"Sure," She held her hand out before she changed her mind, waiting for him to pass the still-lit cigarette.

Sweet Pea blinked in surprise at her outstretched palm, before quickly taking another drag and passing it to her.

"Be careful Becca, if it's your first time-"

"You offered," She cut him off, raising an eyebrow, "If you didn't want me smoking, you should have kept your mouth shut."

Against Becca's expectations, a small smirk grew on Sweet Pea's lips.

"Fair enough," He chuckled to himself quietly, the ends of his lips still twisted upwards.

She eyed the cigarette in her hand, heaving a sigh before bringing it to her lips. Becca inhaled and as the smoke hit her lungs, she immediately started coughing. She brought a fist to her chest, hitting it a couple times while her hazel eyes watered.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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