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Trigger warning: physical abuse is mentioned in the chapter below.

"HOLD up," Josie interrupted in a disbelieving voice, "You're telling me that my mother was a rule-breaking, anti-apartheid activist in high school?"

"And," Kevin put in wearily, "that she and my dad were together back then?"

"I don't buy it," Reggie said dismissively, crossing his arms.

Betty, Becca, Josie, Kevin, and Reggie were currently huddled around Betty's desk in the Blue and Gold's office the next day. The blonde-haired girl wanted to get her mother's story out as fast as she could, even after telling Becca the night before.

"How do you know that Reg?" His little sister countered.

"There's no way our old man hung out and did, like, cosplay with a group of lame-ass nerds," Reggie argued, shaking his head, "He's guilty of a lot of things, but not this."

As he threw out the insult, both Kevin and Josie turned to narrow their eyes at him. Betty sighed, throwing her hands up.

"Okay, it's true Reggie," She insisted.

"And you want us to find out what exactly?" Josie didn't seem too enthusiastic about the whole thing.

Becca cast a glance at her before turning back to Betty. She had to admit, even though she was grateful that Betty had told her everything last night, she was still wondering how that all fit in now. If G&G showing up again was just some random coincidence, then she didn't have time to investigate that and her father. It'd have to be put on the backburner.

Her curiosity, however, had still been piqued about her mother.

"My suspicion," Betty started slowly, "is that whoever was running the game back then is running it now. Which is why we need to stop them before things get any worse-"

"Wait, what are you trying to say?" Kevin interrupted sharply.

Josie gave a dry chuckle, "That one of our parents might be responsible for what happened to Dilton and Ben?"

Becca's eyes widened while Betty continued.

"Maybe," The blonde-haired girl admitted and shrugged, "And that's why you can't tell them that you know about their Midnight Club, okay? You have to be careful and subtle when you ask them what they know."

Both of the Mantle siblings shared a worried look. Despite not believing that their father played G&G, Reggie couldn't help the seed of doubt that had been planted in his mind. He knew Rick Mantle was a terrible person, but was he really capable of murdering children?

The first warning bell of the day ended their meeting abruptly. With plans made to discuss things later, Reggie bid his sister good-bye before heading to his first class. Becca was about to leave with Kevin for AP English, when Betty caught her on her way out.

"Also, Becca, there's something else you might want to know," The blonde-haired girl started cautiously.

She quirked an eyebrow but nodded for her friend to continue.

"I went to go visit Jug yesterday, to tell him everything my mom had told me," Betty explained, keeping a careful eye on her, "And I found him, Fangs, Toni, Cheryl...and Sweet Pea playing the game."

Sweet Pea was playing G&G.

Becca blinked several times, processing what Betty had just said. Two people had already taken their lives over this stupid board game...and if the tall Serpent wasn't careful, he could be next. She hated to admit it, but despite everything that had happened, she still cared about Sweet Pea's safety.

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