xi: a heart's a heavy burden

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"You don't have to follow me to your father's chambers, Aegon," Aesira says to the boy walking beside her, his steps smaller to match her pace. "You have lessons to attend to and I don't want to be the reason why you would be clueless about something that will help you navigate through the court and Small Council meetings in the future."

"Nonsense. No Lady shall go unaccompanied to her destination," Aegon replies with more flare than a casual conversation as if his statement is a sacred oath meant to be honoured by all gentlemen in the realm. "It would look unbefitting of me to leave you alone in halls you've never roamed in for three years. I wouldn't want a pack of bloodthirsty vultures swooping in and possibly boring you to unconsciousness with their new gowns and land titles." He adjusted his arm until Aesira's hand is pressing against the crook of his elbow, his free palm covering her knuckles. "My care for you exceeds my duties."

She gives him a dubious look. If there is anything characteristic of Aegon, it's his constant avoidance of duties. It's uncalled for her to enjoy the consistencies of the Keep even if they're bad habits of her closest friend. Yet here she is, finding comfort in Aegon's jests as if he didn't create a spectacle on spectacle during her arrival. Playing Aegon's actions in her head still makes her cheeks gain warmth and she tries masking it by looking forward, cursing her pinned hair for giving him a perfect view of the colouring on her cheeks. "You flatter me so, Egg."

He snickers, almost a giggle. "It's nice to hear you say that rendition of my name and not just read them in your letters."

"You've already said that since we talked by the staircase, Egg."

"And I will never stop saying it because I have the honour of hearing it with your voice."

Aesira lightheartedly rolls her eyes. "Alright, Egg."

"If you think I haven't noticed you saying it at the end of every sentence you speak, think again, Sira," Aegon murmurs on her temple, his lips a breadth away from her hair.

She holds her breath for a moment, determined to never let Aegon know why her heart is rapidly pounding inside her chest like a horse galloping on an empty field. Aesira angles her head so that she can look him in the eye. It seems like a mistake because she underestimated how close their faces are. It doesn't help her case that she immediately inhales a sharp breath of air at their proximity. Suddenly, the lines he wrote in his letters pass by her mind, all entailing the intensity of his longing that he imagines kissing her lips when he was drowning in his cups. At that thought, Aesira forces herself to just stare at his eyes, reflecting her little image in his enlarged pupils. Doing what she does best, she hides how flustered she is and retorts, "Maybe it is my way of showing how much I miss you, Egg." Aesira notices him lowering his eyes to her lips, which are mouthing the words. Thinking she has to put a stop to this before he gets too close and gossip starts surfacing about Aegon claiming her first kiss, she takes her hand from his arm and stands in front of him with her hands behind her back. "Thank you for escorting me to Uncle's chambers." She glances at the familiar double doors at the side, Ser Harrold Westerling standing guard by one of them.

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