Practice Run

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The Ruins of Dalarah. Looking around me, I watched as people were setting up camp inside the ruins of a centuries old castle. Rochelle had been right. We had managed to get everyone to safety before Netiri's soldiers had come into our old campsiteand reduced everything to rubble. Every time I thought about it, I felt a shiver run down my spine as I realized just how close all of us could have come to losing our lives. I looked up at the old ruins. Jacek and Devon had told me that this castle had been built for the First Traveller as a home for her while she lived here, and it had become a monument to her when she left, but Netiri had had it destroyed when she came into power. Netiri apparently didn't like reminders of anything or anyone who had more power than she did. I had been told that he power that the First Traveller possessed was a thousand times more powerful than anything Netiri possessed. Which also made me think that maybe there was nothing that Netiri wouldn't do to try and get her hands on it. I shivered again, and it was nothing to do with being cold. Now that I knew that I was a direct descendent for sure, I also had access to the power that the First Traveller had. When Netiri found out - if she didn't already know - I knew that I would make myself a very powerful enemy.

I glanced over at Jacek and Devon and realized that Devon was watching me. Even though he looked away as soon as I looked over, I could feel the heat immediately build up in my cheeks, and I knew that my face would be bright red. I looked down, hoping that no-one had noticed the sudden colour in my cheeks.

Last night had been ... weird. Devon had seemed so different when we were talking. He hadn't been his usual sarcastic self, and I didn't really know what to make of it. It had been nice, though, being able to have a conversation that didn't revolve around him teasing me. Whe he'd put his arm around me though - wow! I couldn't even begin to describe the feeling that went coursing through my body when he'd touched me. I just hoped that he hadn't noticed the effect he'd had on me.

"Sienna." I looked up when I heard somebody call my name, and saw Bronson coming towards me with Evan. I noticed that as soon as Devon saw them walking over to me, he made his way over straightaway too. I got the feeling that he didn't like Evan very much, though I couldn't understand why.

"Now that everything's set up, we'd like to work with you."

I looked from Evan to Bronson and then back again. "Work with me? What do you mean?"

"You're the only person that has the power to defeat Netiri," Bronson began carefully, and I frowned. Even though I knew that this was the truth, I didn't really like being reminded of it. It made me think of the near impossible task I had ahead of me.

"We need to see if you are ablel to ... tap into the power that's inside of you."

Jacek had come over at this point, followed by a few onlookers.

"How do I even do that?" I looked down at my hands as I remembered what had happened when we had last encountered Netiri's soldiers. "The one and only time I was able to use magic was when we were attacked. I just held out my hand like this, I didn't actually do anything." As I was talking, I held out my hand to demonstrate what I had done. Big mistake. Immediately, I felt the electrical charge surge through my body again, and the green beams zapped out of me and into the person my hand was aimed at - Evan. He was thrown a good twenty or more metres away from me, crashing into a couple of the onlookers and throwing them all to the ground. I put my hands behind my back, my face flushing red with embarressement and chagrin. I couldn't believe what I had just done - even though it had been a complete accident. Devon, however, was grinning as though a brilliant light bulb had been switched on inside of him and couldn't be switched off.

"I'm so sorry! I really am. I don't know how I did that, I mean, I didn't even try ... I can't control it."

A couple of people helped Evan and the others to their feet, and Evan walked back over to me.

"That's okay." He rubbed the back of his head, and I realized taht he must have knocked it pretty hard on the ground when I sent him crashing into it. I had never felt so bad in all my life.

"Wow, you sure pack a pretty good punch."

My lips pressed into a hard line. He said it in a way that was joking, but I didn't think it was a laughing matter. I could have seriously injured him - and the others he'd crashed into.

"I think you should do it again." Devon still hadn't been able to wipe the grin from his face, and I frowned. I wasn't the only one. Jacek was giving Devon a reproving look, which Devon bluntly ignored.

"And you didn't even try to do anything?" Bronson looked at me questioningly, half in awe. I shook my head and he continued. "Impressive. To be able to use magic without even trying - you have no idea how hard that is. It must be manifesting itself inside you very quickly. How do you feel?"

I looked back at him, slightly confused. "I feel fine."

"What I mean is, can you feel it within you? To be able to use it with such ease, it's remarkable."

"I don't think so.I can feel it go through me when I use it, but that's about it."

Bronson nodded. "Interesting. It must be in the very early stages."

"What does that mean?"

"Not everyone can control magic." I nodded. I already knew that much. "You can't choose to be able to control magic and be a sorcerer, the magic chooses you. The ones who are lucky enough to be chosen, they say that they can feel the magic manifesting itself inside them. I can't describe the feeling to you as I've never felt it myself, but, apparently it's quite unbelievable. A very wonderful experience."

"I feel the same as I always have."

"As I said before, it must be in the early stages within you at the moment. But when it does begin to manifest more, it doesn't take much time to get stronger, depending on how much magic you have been granted. It won't be long before you start to notice it."

"About the other human - Daniel," I began hesitantly. "How much magic would it take to be able to free him?"

"A lot." I looked over at Devon. He had finally lost the grin and his face was very serious.

"Devon is correct," Bronson answered. "Daniel was banished by Netiri, and any spell done by her is powerful. There hasn't been anyone in Nardema that has had the power to release him - until you." He looked me straight in the eye. "To release him - it will take a lot of power and a level of concentration that no-one here has been able to master. But, you have the First Traveller's power. When you are ready, you will be able to free Daniel easily. Netiri's spells will seem weak when you come into your complete power.

I nodded. No pressure. I could do this, couldn't I?

"Sienna?" I looked at Devon, only to see him looking back at me with a slightly concerned expression. "Are you okay? You look kind of green."

"No, I'm okay. Just hoping that I can do this."

"Do you feel up to trying to see if you can do anything more?" Jacek asked softly. If it had been anyone else, I probably would have told them no straightaway, but I didn't want to disappoint Jacek. In the short time I had known him, I had already come to see him as more than a friend - he was family.

"I can try." I knew my voice was doubtful. I looked down at my hand as Devon took it and gave it a squeeze. They were behind me, and I knew that they would support me, even if I failed. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Okay, I thought. Here goes nothing.

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