Small Victory

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As soon as the screams sounded, Rochelle and I raced back to everyone else as fast as we could.  I couldn't believe that within seconds the carefree atmosphere had been shattered, and had been replaced with fear and death.

Looking around, I saw Evan standing at the head of a small army facing us.  I quickly scanned the enemy, noting with relief that Netiri was not among them.

"I thought that Netiri wasn't able to track us," I gasped out.

Rochelle's eyes didn't leave her brother.  "Evan knows about this place too," she replied through clenched teeth.  "I guess he is beyond reason."  The look in Rochelle's eyes was a mixture of hurt and anger, and I knew that she was looking forward to facing her brother, but at the same time fearing it.  "He will pay for betraying us!"  At her words, I began to suspect that the fear at facing her brother was not as strong as I had thought.

"Our queen has declared that if you surrender now, you will be allowed to live and you will have the privilege of working as slaves for Her Majesty for the rest of your miserable lives."  Evan's voice rang out loud and clear, without a hint of remorse colouring his words.  "If not, we will cut you down where you stand and send your souls to a fiery hell!"

As he was speaking, I felt a hand grasp my arm and pull me back.  I looked up just in time to see Devon plant himself in front of me, leaving no room for argument.

"You're a fool, Evan!"  Bronson's voice rang out loudly, derision clear in his voice.  "That witch will fall, but unfortunately for you, you will not be alive to see it!"

"The corner of Evan's mouth tipped up in a small smile.  "Do not underestimate us," he warned carefully.  "We may not be as many in numbers as you at the moment, but we are quite capable to doing considerable damage.  I strongly suggest that you consider surrender."

At his words, the swords that were in everyone's hands tightened.

"They're clearly outnumbered," I spoke in a choked voice, and Devon glanced down at me, his blue eyes softening as they took in the expression on my face.  "They can't possibly win this battle.  Why would Netiri send such a small army to combat all of the rebels?"

Devon frowned as he thought over my words, and he glanced back at the army.  "You're right," he finally answered.  "What does she hope to achieve here?"

I looked back at Evan and realized with a jolt that his eyes were on me.  Devon seemed to realize this at the same time, and he took a step forward, as if he were issuing a challenge.

"You can't protect her forever, Devon," Evan said, his voice strangely softening.  "There will come a time when you won't be there, and she'll have to fight or die."

My eyes narrowed slightly at his words, and I could feel the heat rush up to my face.  "I can take care of myself," I said, anger clear as I spoke.

Evan continued to watch me, and I suddenly became aware of a peculiar look in his eyes that seemed to be for me alone.  My eyes narrowed even more as I tried to decipher what he was not saying.

I need you to trust me.

I gasped and took a step back as Devon swung around and grabbed hold of my shoulders.

"Sienna!"  Devon's eyes peered at me worriedly, but I couldn't concentrate enough to pacify him as the words sounded again in my head.

Please trust me.  Things are not always as they seem.  Looks can be deceiving.

My eyes widened as the knowledge hit me, and I looked straight back at Evan as he inclined his head towards me ever so slightly.  Then he swung his attention back to everyone else.

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