Inner Battle

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"I feel so bad for him."  Devon followed my gaze to where Jarvis sat by himself, staring out at the distant mountains, then slowly slid his gaze back to me.

"Telling us his story would have opened old wounds," he said quietly.  "It's probably going to take some time to close them again."

I closed my eyes as his words only succeeded in making me feel incredibly guilty.  "It's my fault," I whispered.  "I was the one who asked him to tell us.  If it hadn't been for me - "

"Now you're being silly," Devon cut in, a hint of sharpness in his tone.  "It would have come out sooner or later.  In any case, we needed to know about his past with Netiri.  If we ever see him falter with her in the future, at least we'll know why."

I nodded slowly.  I knew he was right.  Reaching down, I gave his hand an affectionate sqeeze before letting him go and taking a step away in the direction of my teacher and mentor.

"What are you doing?"  Devon questioned, half in surprise and half in reluctance at my leaving him.  I had to smother a smile at how sweet I thought he was.

"I need more practice," I answered.  "I need to get stronger."  I leaned in and gently placed my lips on his before pulling back again.  "Plus, I think Jarvis needs the distraction, don't you think?"  Devon pouted, briefly making him look like a sulky child.  The smile I had been successful in smothering came to the surface.  "We both know I need to win this," I said softly.  "I felt a crack in the barrier preventing me from reaching the deeper magic.  I think with a little more effort I could break through.  I can do this."

Devon's eyes softened as he looked at me, and I felt a surge of love flow through me.  I didn't know how I had done it, but I had captured the heart of a truly beautiful soul.

"I know you can," he replied.  "I'm just being selfish.  I was hoping to keep you to myself for a while longer."  Reaching out, he imitated my move from earlier and gave my hand an affectionate squeeze before reluctantly releasing me.  "I'll be right here waiting for you when you're finished."

I gave him a brilliant smile before turning towards Jarvis.  He stood up when he noticed my approach.

"Are you sure your ready to continue?"

I nodded.

Jarvis eyed me carefully and I frowned.


"I'm not entirely sure that your body is completely rejuvenated from your last attempt.  Your last attempt put your body under incredible strain."

"But I feel fine," I protested.  "I know I can do this, Jarvis.  I saw the crack in the barrier last time - I felt it!  With some more effort I know I could break through.  I'm ready now."

Jarvis continued to watch me carefully as I stood there, continually shifting my weight from foot to foot.  For some reason I didn't understand, I was starting to feel agitated.  I couldn't stand still and I was beginning to feel irritated with my teacher for absolutely no reason.


I looked straight back at Jarvis, and I could feel the frown deepening in my face.


Jarvis' look intensified as he surveyed my face, but I was finding it increasingly hard to concentrate.

"What's going on?"

I heard Devon's voice as he came to stand next to me, but I didn't look at him.  I was beginning to lose control of my own body!  The realization hit me with the force of a wrecking ball, and with it I knew a terror unlike any I had ever felt.  I felt two hands grab hold of my shoulders, and Jarvis' voice cut through the air, sharp as knives.  He shook me sharply.

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