Chapter 2

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Did I just hear that right? Did this adorably shy little girl just ask me if I wanted to eat lunch with her? Oh my goodness. Could this be my first new friend at this school! Plus, I couldn't just turn her down. But what if it was just some trick to somehow get me to embarrass myself more then I already have. What am I talking about, this girl looks totally harmless.

"Sure! That sounds great. I mean, I have no one else to eat with anyways," I smile happily. I think I just made my first friend here.

Wait a minute. We don't even know each others names. I just made a friend and I don't even know her freaking name. Good going Becca, I mentally face palm myself.

"My name's Penny Mattews by the way," she mumbled embarrassedly. It was as if she just had the same thought as me. Is she like telepathic or something? She could be. She has that mysterious psychic vibe. Maybe she is. That would be so cool!

I snapped out of my thoughts as I remembered that there was this thing called answering and I had totally forgotten to reply to her introduction. "My name is Becca Menzel," I chuckled nervously.

I smiled and sat back down in my seat. I gave her a little glance and then the teacher walked in, silencing the whole class. Everyone sat back down in their seats and paid their attention to the man standing behind the podium. All except one, the bleached haired kid. As I had gave a little search around the room, wanting to know who was in my class and everything, I spotted him. How could I miss this! His hair stood out like neon colors in a gray house.

There he sat, a smug little grin on his face as we exchanged glances from one another. He didn't look mad but he didn't look very happy either. He actually just look, well, neutral. Actually, come to think of it, even behind his smirks and his irritating face, his eyes showed nothing. Except for the elevator incident. But that could have just been a fluke. He hid his emotions behind a thick, thick, thick, THICK cement wall. A wrecking ball wouldn't even be able to put a dent in that wall of his. It was kind of sad really.

Then I realized that I had been staring at him too long, him staring back, and it caught some of the other classmates attentions. Apparently they have no lives and I have no fucks to give so I just turned back around in my seat and trained my eyes on the board. But I could still feel the stares of at least 10 other people. All piercing into my sides. All except one which was heating up my entire body. As if he were searching me for something. He better have a search warrant or else I'm going to have to stab his eyeballs out.

Lunch finally came and for some reason I was kind of nervous. I mean, I was about to make my first friend in this school. Actually, come to think of it, I haven't had a friend in a really, really, REALLY, long time. Wow, aren't I a lonely soul. I never thought that friends meant to so much in life. Up until now, I've been so lonely. Makes me wonder what I could have been doing with my life.

I sat nervously, fumbling with my fingers, as I thought up all the whatifs that could happen as I sat there with Penny. What if I do something stupid like make another fool of myself? Now I know that I can't go around licking tears off of people cheeks. What if I suddenly start acting like a cat? Aw man. There are so many things that could go wrong. I just might not make it back to class alive. Pssh. What am I thinking. I'll be fine.

I stand up courageously from my seat and turn to walk to Penny. But of course, I was so caught up in actually making it to her, I didn't focus on making it out of my seat.

There it was again. That stupid chest that keeps banging right into my nose. This guy really needs to learn not to stand in peoples way. Especially mine. One more time and I think I might have to punch him, right in the gut. Hard.

I look up as I rub my now once again sore nose. "What do you want, flame brains," I mumble.

"Sit with me," he randomly demanded.

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