Chapter 3

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"What the hell you crying for?" Bleach Boy scolded. But he hadn't sounded menacing. There was a soft feel to it. Almost warm.

"I just miss him! I know it's been 6 years but he was the only person who didn't baby me or spoil me like a little child. He treated me normal," I bawled. Why was I telling him this? He doesn't even need to know. He doesn't even care! "Stop, please. You're just embarrassing yourself," I sniffled to myself.

"Are you talking to yourself again? Why do you do that? It's weird," I could feel his uncomfortably awkward gaze he held on me.

I sat up straighter and tried to dry up some tears. But it was still kind of blurry so I couldn't even see.

"You think I'm weird? You're freaking bipolar! One second your mean and evil and then your caring and mushy. What the hell?! I can't even see through your clouded eyes!" I accidentally shouted the last part. I wasn't supposed to say that out loud. But it's out there now. "What are you feeling? Right now. Just tell me honestly."

I cleared up my vision. But what I had seen was definitely not what I had expected. There was a crack. Just a tiny crack in his wall. His eyes. They weren't gray. They were bright blue, and beautiful. He had a smile on. A genuine grin. My cheeks started to heat up as I realized that I was openly checking him out. And I wasn't very sly about it.

"You know what's funny? That I have no emotion. I try so hard to fit in and be more normal. I want to feel happy with everyone. I want to be able to get sad and cry like everyone else. But I can't," then his eyes widened as if he had just opened Pandora's box. I just sat there smiling. Because I knew why he was so shocked.

He had just opened up to me. I was completely shocked. Me! The new girl who made a complete fool of herself this morning in the apartment building and even in front of the school! So why? Why is he telling me this. Why are we even sitting here talking like this. We should be getting help or something.

All I could do was sit there like a complete idiot and just stare at him. Which made him even more embarrassed then before. His face turned into a large, ripe tomato.

"Hey. Bleach Boy," I snapped out of my daze and grabbed his attention.


"My names Becca," I tried to hint that he should introduce himself also.

"Yah. I know. So?"

I sighed. "So? What's yours?" I laughed at his cluelessness.

"Oh. You would like to know wouldn't you?" He smirk. Well, the moments over. He ruined it and totally changed his personality once again. "Why are you blushing? Huh?" An evil glint flashed in his eye as I had just realized I indeed was blushing. But seriously. Why?

"I asked you a question first! Don't change the subject," I stuttered all flustered.

"I'm just kidding," he chuckles. "My name is Oliver. Oliver Merlin."

Oliver? He has two first names. I smiled. Not because I thought the name was funny, even though it was, I was glad he had told me.

But a heavy awkward silence fell and we just sat there uncomfortably glancing at one another. Then the door to the health room opened and a lady with golden curls running over her shoulders walked in. She had a little white nurse costume on and for some reason, looked suspicious. I think I might have watched too many anime shows. It's always the nurses who were clueless or even not who are the evil ones.

I was so caught up in my thought I hadn't noticed that I had scooted a little further towards the wall, away from the arriving nurse.

"Oh my goodness! What happened to you guys. You're all scratched up," she shrieked "innocently".

"We got in a fight," Oliver stated matter-of-fact.

She looked at me as if to mentally ask if that was correct. I nodded.

"Yah that's right. And I totally whooped his butt," I gleamed in victory.

"Yeah right! You were the one that stopped first!" Oliver defended playfully.

"Ha! I only stopped because I got tired of having to punch you so many times."

We laughed and laughed as the nurse just stood on the side totally confused on what was going on. She almost looked scared and uncomfortable. Which made me laugh even harder. Before we knew it we were both on the ground holding our stomachs from the pain of the laughter.

We finally stopped several minutes later and the room was uncomfortable and awkward. It was if the silence was starting to choke me and I started coughing. The nurse snapped out of her shocked expression and quickly rushed over to me.

"Oh my goodness. Are you alright? Are you sick?" She worried.

 I just shook my head. "No. I'm fine. I was just laughing so hard my throat hurts now," I chuckled.

"Ok good. I was worried for a second there. I don't want you to be sick on the first day of school," she examined us a bit. "But, I didn't expect anyone to get in a fight either."

"Ya well, he pissed me off so I punched him and then we just started taking turns. In the end, I thought it was quite fun," I smiled proudly.

"I'm in pain but I do have to admit that it was fun. We should do it again sometime," Oliver smirked. "But, I don't need anything here and school will be over in 5 minutes so," he leaped off of his bed and limped over to the exit as the final bell of the day rang.

"Ya me too. Thanks anyways, Ms," I smiled and left the room following Oliver.

I had totally forgotten that he was bipolar and I was really starting to like him. But it all just had to change. The peace was now ruined.

"Why are you following me?" He boomed.

"I live right next to you! I'm not following. We just have the same route," I defended.

"Becca! Becca hold up!" I heard a little voice shout for me. I stopped and looked behind me. A little figure was running up to me and I made her out to be the one and only Penny. She looked even adorable running. Her short little legs were pitter-pattering as she neared closer and closer to me.

I walked a little forwards so she didn't have to run as far. "What's up, Penny?"

"Well, I was going in the same direction and I just thought that maybe I could walk with you," she muttered shyly.

"Yes of course you can walk with me. So where you headed?" I wondered aloud.

"I'm actually going to my house. Which is also an ice cream shop on the bottom. I could introduce you to my mom if you'd like," she suggested.

"That sounds great! Actually I was feeling in the mood for some ice cream. And I just got paid yesterday," I smiled sweetly. She was so kind. She was the coolest and I wanted to know more about her. So I took that as my opportunity.

So we made our way to her family's ice cream shop.

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