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"Aria there's a call for you on line 4" my co-worker said, peeking his head into my office. I picked the phone up and hit line 4, "Aria Patterson, how may I help you?" I beamed, "Aria, it's Ayva, I need to get in touch with Noelle." My best friend's little sister spoke through the phone, causing me to roll my eyes on the other line.

My voice chilled, "I don't-" "Save that shit, Aria. She been your best friend since y'all was kids, I know for sure you know where she at." She cut me off. Me and Ayva have never gotten along, and the only reason why I hold my tongue when it comes to her is because she's my best friend's sister. If she had have been anyone else, I'd have given her a piece of my mind a longgg time ago.

"What exactly do you want me to tell her?" I rolled my eyes again, finally dropping the coverup. She'd never know where Noelle was at, that was one thing I was willing to take to the grave if I had to. Ayva has an undiagnosed case of impostor syndrome, I'm sure of it. Her obsession with being Noelle is quite scary if you ask me.

I understand looking up to your older siblings but she's always been the type of take it too far. The two year age gap makes it even worse. I'll never forget the time Ayva got caught With Noelle's ex in high school. What made it worse with her sister was the fact that her parents are strict and Noelle was never really able to do anything or go anywhere without Ayva having to tag along.

"I'm getting married." she blurted. "If my sister isn't at my wedding ima lose my shit. She's one of the few people in my family I actually want there. It's bad enough she didn't get to meet him when we first got together, she left without telling nobody where or why, how does she just expect us to not wonder how she is or why she left?" She asked, her voice cracking.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel bad for Ayva right now, which has never happened before, if I might add. I couldn't imagine how she feels. Noelle is like the sister I've always wanted, I couldn't imagine if I didn't know where she was. Finding out she had a child would have been the icing on the "fuck you" cake for me. Lucky enough for me, I'm not Ayva and I know, sucks for her, though.

"I need you to mail off the invitation to her. I don't know why she left, but please tell her that I would love it if she could make it" Ayva added. I sighed softly through the phone, "Okay, if you bring it to my office I can mail it off for you" I replied somberly, giving in.

"I'm coming up right now" she spoke before hanging up. The manipulative bitch was waiting outside the whole time, knowing I'd give in. So sly. I rolled my eyes and made a sticky note to remind myself to call Noelle and let her know to be on the look out. She was either gonna be pissed at me or be extremely happy for her sister, either way, I was gonna let her find out what Ayva wanted to tell her on her own by looking at the invitation for herself.


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