Chapter 11- Rules are Theoritical

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Landor's POV

I asked, "Why did you bring a map of the world."

Ligos snickered and said, "First let me give you an example."

Ligos took out 100 gold, "Ok, watch."

Ligos walked up to the girl.

I snickered and rolled up the map, put it in my pocket and stood up waiting for the fight to start. Ligos walked up smoothly looking around the inn. He slammed the stack of coins on the girl's table while she was drinking. She stopped and turned to Ligos, laughing at his attempt to scare her.

Ligos just said, "Get your laughs in now."

The girl said with a smirk, "Do you know who I am?"

Ligos said with discipline, "Will it effect my punch?"

The girl laughed again and stood up, "My name is Sarai and I have never lost a fight yet."

Ligos said still with a stern voice, "There is a difference from winning and losing... Losing is not facing me and winning or facing me and losing. Winning is impossible."

Sarai got in her fighting stance and said, "We'll see about that."

Syria threw a punch at Ligos's chest and Ligos took it, barely stumbling. Ligos took two more punches without reacting. Sarai smirked thinking she was too quick.

I shook my head snickering... Typical Ligos... Every brawl he would take hits to judge the person fighting him.

On the third punch, everyone flinched away because they thought it was going to smash Ligos' face. Then in a second -maybe two- Ligos lifted up his hand catching hers before it hit him. He twisted her arm making her withdraw her hand before Ligos broke it.

Ligos then, having his left foot in front of his right foot, punched her across her face with his right hand. He let his right hand turn him so his back was to Sarai. He turned completely over counter clock-wise. While he was turning he elbowed her across the face again with his left elbow since she brought her face back. Hoping he was finished hurting her she quickly turned her head back to the ready position, when a last punch hit her again right across the cheek. This punch was with the right hand when he just finished the turn after the left elbow and how it must have hurt. I have seen many sucker punches in my life but this one was near the top of the list- behind mine of course.

She fell to the ground, but in a few seconds she got up, wiped off some blood from he cheek and spit the blood in her mouth in front Ligos. She then threw punches as fast as the Banderlorion Horses, the horses the Secrette Retrievers use.

He blocked the first few, but soon she landed four punches at his left shoulder, stomach, chest and side. She finished off by kicking him in the stomach, but he dodged the kicked.

She then tried punch him in the nose but he intercepted the punch with a kick to the thigh. She stopped and rethought her fighting plan.

She faked a punch to the left shoulder then kicked him at his side. Before the kick hit him he grabbed her foot and pushed it at her so she fell backwards.

When she got up you could tell she was at rage. She swung at him with punch so fast that the crowd would miss one if they blinked. He successfully dodged everyone with ease. Then she threw strong punch with her right that missed him by his dodge by backing up and going right that left her right arm going to her left.

Ligos then grabbed her neck with one hand and the whole crowd gasped. Sarai could not do anything, because his grip suffocated the last few breathes of her. Then he lifted her up with one hand a few inches above the ground and slammed her into her table. She landed right in the middle of the table, smashing it in half and making all the food on her table go flying up in the air. The food came down on her head when she snapped out of a daze.

She lifted her head looking at Ligos while he was walking away, "You cheated!"

Ligos turned his head slightly, "There is no rules in fighting, but...." then he turned to her completely, "If you want some, go back to the kitchen."

Then Ligos took the 200 gold from the ground that was on the table and walked back to his table. Everyone dispersed as usual and I went back to the table where Ligos was sitting.



Finished before the weekend but it was only a fight. Something will be posted on the weekend.

Btw I may not post for a while on the English army to get this one done better.

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