Olivia was in her room after being allowed to leave school. She did wonder why the doctor was calm during their first meeting because Olivia had wings. Probably the doctor had heard rumors around about Olivia and, since he saw that she had wings, the rumors were true. Olivia sat in her room, reading some Warrior Cats until she finally heard a knock at her door. Olivia immediately put her book away and sat on her bed while Cindy came in with her own backpack. The woman took her backpack off her back and carefully placed it on the floor. She opened it and Snow stuck her head out.
"Snow!" said Olivia with glee when she saw her cat.
Snow came out of the backpack and went over to Olivia and sat by her side. Olivia began to pet Snow and the cat began to purr. Cindy watched them with a smile on her face.
"How was work?" Olivia asked Cindy.
"My work was fine. I did my chores while Snow was looking around. I believe the other cats don't like her," Cindy replied to Olivia's question.
Olivia looked at Snow with a soft look on her face. Snow was exactly like her, a loner. Snow was a stray cat who had actually been found clean. Snow gave Olivia a smile to assure her she was okay. Olivia looked back at Cindy with a serious look in her eyes this time. "We need to talk about what had happened."
Cindy said nothing but only nodded that she was listening.
Olivia inhaled a little and let it out. "I met my mother. I was passed out when I saw her then. She told me to tell you that it was time to know the truth. But what did she mean by that?"
Cindy looked in disbelief but nodded and sat on Olivia's bed next to her. She looked at Olivia and let out a small sigh. Snow began to get curious about what was going on. She remained silent while Olivia prepared for what was to come.
After some long silence, Cindy began to speak. "I don't know where to begin, but I will speak the truth. Olivia, you are a missing Wing Warrior. It is a unique human who has wings. You were born with wings and your parents are also Wing Warriors. I was friends with your parents and the king trusted me not to waste a secret to the normal world where Wing Warriors exist. I often came to babysit you and we lived in peace until the Wing Warriors were attacked by Dark Wing Warriors. They are also Wing Warriors, but what differs is that they have black wings and red eyes. The feathers of their wings are sharp. You are born a normal Wing Warrior with normal white wings. Dark Wing Warriors invaded the kingdom and your parents were killed. Before your mother died, she asked me to take care of you and flee to the normal world. I fled with you and a letter I kept hidden from everyone. Olivia, you are not the only Wing Warrior out there. There are others."
Olivia and Snow looked at Cindy with shocked eyes. Olivia looked away and began to reset her head. All that info... That explained a lot of things! So she was a missing Wing Warrior and there were more like her! On the other hand, she felt relieved but also kind of angry. Why hadn't she been told this before? She looked back at Cindy, who was looking at her with concern. "Are you okay?"
"Yes. Just a little too much information." Olivia had a lot of questions in her head and decided to ask them. "Who is my father?"
Cindy let out a small sad smile and got off her bed. She walked toward the window and signaled Olivia to come over, so the girl with wings lifted Snow gently up in her arms and went to Cindy. Together they looked up at the sky.
"Do you see that big white star in the sky?"
Olivia nodded. "Yes."
"That's your father."
Olivia looked at Cindy in disbelief and opened her mouth to say something, but Cindy was ahead of her. "Your father is a Legend Wing Warrior, a great hero, and a commander of sorts for the king. He didn't see the attack coming and that's how he died. Each Legend must choose his or her successor while they are still alive. It is a difficult choice to name someone as the successor. Your father chose you as his successor. It is his wish."
Olivia looked at her with a neutral expression but also looked a little frightened. "Am I ... in danger?"
Cindy looked questioningly. "What do you mean?"
Olivia then explained all of what she meant, from the moment she fled from the school, everyone had seen her secret and that was her wings. The more she explained further, the more Cindy looked more scared and more serious. After Olivia finished explaining, the grown woman looked away from her. "... You are in great danger, Olivia. You must return to your true home, where the other Wing Warriors live."

FantasyOlivia is a 16-year-old girl that lives in an orphanage. But she is different from the others. She has white wings! While she is in the care of Cindy, Olivia goes to a new school where she makes new friends but also meets a new bully there named Ell...