Chapter one

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William was on a farm, he was in about his twenty's. William had a white button up shirt, along with brown suspenders. William dig into the ground, with a shovel as he sighs. William had lived with this woman Amelia, her house was a little white cottage, up on a hill. She also had tree, that had a little swing on it, and plus it was summer in Scotland. William couldn't help but feel eyes on him. He glanced over, seeing a woman with auburn red hair, as she had on a white gown on. She must've woken up from her slumber. She was smiling a bit, as she watches William.

Soon she came out with a glass of lemonade, as she heads over. " William." She said, with her raspy Scottish accent. " Mrs Amelia Saw you lurking, care to tell me why you seem so amused with looking?" William said. Amelia, laughs a bit as she hands him a lemonade, she had dark brown eyes, that were Doe eyes. " who says, I can't look up to my worker on my farm? I mean, don't you think it's good for a woman to stare?" Amelia ask. William chuckles a bit at that " well, if you put it like that...then by old means. Stare." William said. Amelia looks away from him, and soon back to him. " I've made you lemonade...just to appreciate your hard work." Amelia said. William takes the glass, as he chugs it. " it is rather hot. I don't know how you even live out here?" William said.

Amelia shakes her head" because I can be free, away from the rubbish society. I'm a goddess..." Amelia said. William chuckles " well, you have a rather engrossing mind." William said. Amelia, then shakes her head " have you tried to become one with earth?" Amelia ask. William shakes his head. " no, I rather haven't. How does one become with earth?" William ask. Amelia looks down at the ground, as her feet grips the grass with her feet." You take off your shoes, and ground yourself. Does that make sense?" Amelia said. William laughs a bit at that. " no, not really." William said.

Amelia laughs, " take off your shoes. You'll feel the difference with your bare feet." Amelia said. William shakes his head, as he takes his shoes off. Amelia raised an eyebrow." And your socks." Amelia said, as she gave him a playful mean look. William rolled his eyes, and smirk. " oh, why I'm so sorry Amelia. I shall take them off." William said, he takes them off. As he felt the warm grass on his feet. " now what?" He ask. " now...we dance." Amelia said, as she grabs his hand, as she twirls herself around. " how could we dance? If we don't have music?" William ask. Amelia stop, as she looks up at him. " we don't need music... when we have our minds, nature. It's our own music." Amelia said. William nods, as she was rather right. Minds are a powerful tool, and the society they lived in was scared of that. " you amuse me.." William said. Amelia smirks a bit " Oh, I can amuse you on a lot of ways William." Amelia said. William chuckles " look at you, so ardent" William said. " I'm only like that, when I like someone..." Amelia said. " well then, let me get back to work. Thank you for the lemonade." William said. Amelia nods, " I'll be inside, if you need me." Amelia said, as she push back her wavey red auburn hair, as she gave him once last glance with her doe eyes.

As the sunsets, William comes into the house, as he shuts the door. " so, how come you move all the way out here anyways?" William ask. " I have the bath ready for you, for thanks for attending to my farm..and the honest story is...I just wanted to escape that rubbish world really. There nothing...there. And the further away I am, the more safer it is." Amelia said. William nods, as Amelia leads him to the bathroom. " I've gotten your bath ready, so wash up. Dinner is ready as soon as you get out." She said. William nods " thank you." William said.

William gotten out of the bath, as he attends with her to a table. " how come you've trust me. As a man?" William said. Amelia thinks " because, i believe you have so many things in the future. You aren't like other men William, you...listen to don't say anything negative." Amelia said. William nods as he takes a bite of of the potatoes get cut up. " I see.." William said, he didn't know what to say. Once dinner was done, he help clean up. " thank you, maybe tomorrow o could cook?" William ask. Amelia nods " that would be lovely William. Have a goodnight." Amelia said, soon with that she went to her bedroom.

William was in his room, as he has a diary. Amelia taught him at a young age, that writing down his emotions help a lot.

' today, I've learn to ground myself with the earth. Others don't under stand Amelia like I for the first time. I do have bad news, or maybe they are rather good? I can finally feel...a emotion. It's a emotion of, my heart pumps fast, Everytime I'm near. Her eyes, the way they look at me, as if I'm her star. Makes my heart beat rather fast, and curse this, but why? At the end of the day, I don't want to trade it, I like this new feeling...and sometimes, I think about her in such a indecent way...I'll learn more...maybe perhaps explore...after all I'm just a man."

William then closes his diary. He gets up, as he slides onto his bed and stares at the ceiling. What was that feeling? And why did he have knots in his stomach for thinking about Amelia? He wasn't going to show her his emotions just yet. He had to be strong, and resist.

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